beckelhimert's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Wagin, Australia

Giant Ram

Everything about this over-size novelty animal is huge including its testicles.
Dadswells Bridge, Australia

The Giant Koala

Popular tourist destination now stands as a memorial to Sam the koala.
Langwarrin, Australia

McClelland Gallery & Sculpture Park

For better or worse, this whimsical sculpture garden was a favorite place of Rupert Murdoch's.
Woombye, Australia

The Big Pineapple

A giant Australian fruit and tropical farm.
Collector, Australia

Dreamer's Gate

One man's artistic vision is a small town government's legal battle.
Mount Gambier, Australia

Umpherston Sinkhole

An incredible garden taking over the interior of a massive sinkhole.
Arthurs Seat, Australia

The Enchanted Maze Garden

Largest maize maze in the Southern hemisphere built with GPS technology on more than two acres.
Sydney, Australia

One More Go One More Go

Outdoor art exhibition made of classic Tetris pieces.
South Mount Cameron, Australia

Little Blue Lake

A beautiful, but toxic, lake formed by mining.
Sydney, Australia

Gould's Book Arcade

One of Australia's largest secondhand bookstores.
Cervantes, Australia

The Pinnacles

Alien rock formations grown from the sands of an Australian national park.
Mitta Mitta, Australia

The Witches Garden

The largest collection of medicinal plants in Australia is also home to a witch who will show you how to use them.
Shoreham, Australia

Ashcombe Maze

Australia's largest traditional hedge maze features a Great Gnome Hunt.
Melbourne, Australia

The Haunted Bookshop

Occult books, tarot, oddities.
Columbus, Ohio

The Handprint

A single handprint, which, according to Ohio State University legend, cannot be scrubbed off.
Cleveland, Ohio

World's Largest Rubber Stamp

Cleveland's giant "free" stamp is a nod to the Civil War, but was misinterpreted for years.
Mentor, Ohio

Judy's Jungle

A fiberglass jungle, deep in the wilds of the Cleveland suburbs.
Powell, Ohio

Leatherlips Monument

A monument to a Native American leader who was known for never breaking a promise and met his end after signing a deal with white settlers.
Newark, Ohio

Longaberger Basket Building

An office built to look like a giant basket.
Lima, Ohio

Kewpee Hamburgers

This burger joint is named after everyone's favorite carnival prize and is adorned with a giant one over the door.
Bellefontaine, Ohio

Campbell Hill

In this relatively flat state the highest point is an honored place.
East Cleveland, Ohio

Warner and Swasey Observatory

This lovely university observatory continues to sit abandoned since its potential savior was sent to jail for fraud.
Cincinnati, Ohio

The Cincinnati Mushroom House

What is it about mushrooms that makes people wish they lived inside of them?
Columbus, Ohio

The Topiary Park

Georges Seurat’s pointillist masterpiece has been recreated in Ohio in topiary form.