bkleemann's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Hamburg, Germany

St. Nicholas' Church

Once the tallest building in the world, this abandoned church is now a monument to the destruction of WWII.
Hamburg, Germany


Hamburg's first legal sex work is relegated to a gated street that still does not allow pedestrian women.
Berlin, Germany

Berlin-Friedrichstrasse Railway Station

Cold war icon and onetime "hole" in the iron curtain.
Monterey, California

Monterey's Custom House

The oldest U.S. Government building in California, and it's State Historic Landmark #1.
San Francisco, California

The Wave Organ

A huge musical instrument played by the ocean.
San Francisco, California

The Parrots of Telegraph Hill

Staircase winds down the side of Telegraph Hill through gardens, wild parrots flying overhead.
San Francisco, California

Ruins of the Sutro Baths

The seawater playground of gilded-era San Francisco burned to the ground in 1966.
San Francisco, California

Balmy Alley Murals

Since 1973, this block has been home to the most concentrated collection of murals in San Francisco.
San Francisco, California

Alcatraz Island

In all of the 29 years it was in operation, no prisoners ever escaped successfully... or so they claim.

Farallon Islands

Nuclear waste dump site now an environmental sanctuary.
San Francisco, California

Beach Chalet WPA Murals

Depicting scenes of everyday life - and specific individuals - in Great Depression era San Francisco.
San Francisco, California

Japanese Tea Garden

Relics of the 1894 Midwinter Exposition continue to delight visitors today.
San Francisco, California

San Francisco Botanical Garden

Golden Gate Park's historic collection of plants.
San Francisco, California

Secret Tiled Staircase

An artsy hidden staircase leads to breathtaking views of San Francisco.
San Francisco, California

Treasure Island

A man-made island in scenic San Francisco Bay.
San Francisco, California

Labyrinth at Land’s End

A winding path built in secret on the edge of the continent.
San Francisco, California

Spreckels Temple of Music

An elaborate gift from Claus Spreckels is now a piece of San Francisco history.
San Francisco, California

Garden of Fragrance

Olfactory delights in San Francisco's Botanical Gardens.
San Francisco, California

Palace of Fine Arts

The last remaining relic of San Francisco's glittering 1915 Panama Pacific Exposition.
Goldendale, Washington

Maryhill Museum and Stonehenge

A French chateau, failed utopian community, odd museum, and Stonehenge replica in rural Washington State.
Page, Arizona

Antelope Canyon

Most-visited and most-photographed slot canyon in the American Southwest.
Jerome, Arizona

Abandoned Jerome Post Office

On the outskirts of a reborn ghost town, a decaying post office remembers the bad old days.
Hilo, Hawaii

Mauna Kea

Earth's tallest volcano is sacred to Native Hawaiians, and home to a dozen world-class observatories.
Crater Lake, Oregon

Crater Lake

The deepest lake in the United States, and once the site of epic destruction that lives on in legends.