brityank1971's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Alnwick, England

The Treehouse Restaurant at Alnwick Gardens

This giant wooden treehouse within a sprawling garden has its own eatery.
Pateley Bridge, England

Oldest Sweet Shop in England

The oldest candy store in the world has been selling traditional sweets since 1827.
Cornwall, England


Grab a cuppa at England's first and only domestic tea plantation.
York, England

Yorkshire Air Museum

This aircraft museum is home to one of just three Halifax bombers in the world.
Birmingham, England

Warstone Lane Cemetery Catacombs

A hidden gem in the middle of the city's infamous Jewelry Quarter.
Birmingham, England

Moseley Bog

An ancient woodland that inspired a young J.R.R. Tolkien.
Warwickshire, England

Lord Leycester Hospital

A retirement home for soldiers that can trace its history to the Elizabethan era and beyond.
Coventry, England

Thrust SSC and Thrust 2

One of these two land speed record-breaking vehicles went so fast it shattered the sound barrier.
Coventry, England

St. Mary's Guildhall

Built in the 1300s, this magnificent building that hosted England's kings and queens transports you to the Middle Ages.
Coventry, England

Lady Godiva and Peeping Tom Clock

Every hour on the hour a naked heroine and her leering foil appear from this giant cuckoo clock.
Coventry, England

Cheylesmore Manor Gatehouse

All that remains of the medieval palace of the famous "Black Prince."
Coventry, England

Spon Street

A preserved block of timber buildings from the city's industrial era in the Middle Ages.
West Sussex, England

The Long Bench

This multicolored meandering masterpiece is Britain's longest bench.
Devon, England

Exercise Tiger Memorial

A disastrous D-Day rehearsal was relatively unknown until this sunken tank was discovered 40 years later.
Hallsands, England

Ruins of Hallsands

The abandoned fishing village was swept right into the sea.
Devon, England

Burgh Island

Take a sea tractor to the Art Deco hotel on the island that inspired Agatha Christie.
Plymouth, England

Beatle Bums

The only place where can you share a seat with the bums of the Fab Four.
Bognor Regis, England

Blake's Cottage

Poet William Blake penned some of his most famous work during his brief stay at this beloved country cottage.
Penrhyndeudraeth, Wales

Dyffryn Ardudwy Burial Chambers

Neolithic burial chambers hidden beside a village school.
Llanberis, Wales

Dolbadarn Castle Ruins

The stately remains of Llywelyn the Great's mighty fortress.
Boston, Massachusetts

Make Way for Ducklings Statue

Mrs. Mallard and her brood are a beloved fixture in Boston Public Garden.
Boston, Massachusetts


This upscale streetwear store is hidden behind a fake Snapple machine in the back of a deli.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Cosmic Moose and Grizzly Bear’s Ville

One man's psychedelic fence is painted with his cacophonous folk art musings on the world.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

MIT Museum: Arthur Ganson

Bouncing, delightful, mechanical art at the MIT Museum.