Bukue's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Culver City, California

The Wende Museum

Home to secret Eastern Bloc spy equipment and the largest stretch of the original Berlin Wall outside of Germany.
Los Angeles, California

Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens

A spiritual retreat in the heart of Los Angeles offers stunning gardens and a labyrinth to lose yourself in.
Glendale, California

Forest Lawn Cemetery

An extraordinary final resting place full of oversized art, amazing statues, and dead celebrities.
Hillsborough, California

The Flintstone House

A burnt orange monolithic dome structure perched on a hillside near Interstate 280.
San Francisco, California

San Francisco's Cable Car Museum

Not merely a museum – but a whirring powerhouse that offers a subterranean peek into the heart and soul of cable car operations.
San Luis Obispo, California

The Dorn Pyramid

A Mysterious Masonic tomb in San Luis Obispo.
Los Angeles, California

Petersen Automotive Vault

Once strictly off-limits, this lower level housing curious and priceless vehicles of the Petersen Automotive Museum is now open to the public.
Isla Vista, California


360-degree virtual reality chamber physically immerses scientists into their data.
Pacific Grove, California

Kissing Rock

Two rocks in a perpetual kiss and one of "the most romantic spot in America."
San Francisco, California

Mechanics' Institute Library and Chess Room

A library built during San Francisco's pioneer times is a student's retreat, bibliophile's sanctuary, and chess player's delight.
Daly City, California

Colma Necropolis

A vast city of the dead, where the deceased outnumber the living by more than a million.
San Francisco, California

Hotel Vertigo

A historic hotel that made a cameo in Hitchcock's classic film has no intention of letting guests forget its fame.
Simi Valley, California

Grandma Prisbrey's Bottle Village

An eccentric folk art landmark made out of discarded bottles by an inspired "grandma."
Mecca, California

International Banana Museum

World's largest collection devoted to one fruit.
Point Arena, California

Bowling Ball Beach

The mysterious round rocks of Schooner Gulch.
Inyo County, California

Saline Valley Hot Springs

A hard-to-reach oasis in a desolate corner of Death Valley National Park.
San Francisco, California

House of Air

Inside an old airplane hangar, friends and strangers alike play on a massive trampoline.
Pasadena, California

California Cactus Center

A nursery specializing in strange and beautiful succulents and cacti.
Pasadena, California

Fork in the Road

A bigger-than-life pun that has become a beacon of altruism.
Felton, California

Bigfoot Discovery Museum

This quirky roadside attraction dives into the many theories surrounding North America's most infamous hairy cryptid.
Los Angeles, California

Snow White Cottages

Magical-looking cottages that inspired one of the most famous animated films ever.
Los Angeles, California

Templo Santa Muerte

A shrine to a skeleton saint in the city of angels.
Landers, California

Giant Rock

A regular looking rock with an unbelievable history.
Garden Grove, California

Christ Cathedral (Crystal Cathedral)

Megachurch turned Catholic church comprised of 10,000 glass panes.