pikachuusb's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Linlithgow, Scotland

Montgomery Scott Plaque

The fictional birthplace of the Chief Engineer aboard the Starship Enterprise.
Stirling, Scotland

The King's Knot

These formal gardens were designed to be admired from the vantage point of the castle.
Glasgow, Scotland

The Trongate Cherub

An angelic, yet demonic-looking figurine presides over one of Glasgow's most ancient streets.
Glasgow, Scotland

Kelvingrove Pipe Organ

Inside this art museum resides one of Glasgow's most famous musical instruments.
Glenfinnan, Scotland

The Leaning Tower of Glenfinnan

A close look reveals that the Scottish monument is just slightly off-kilter.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Tolbooth Tavern

Now home to a drinking establishment, this building has a macabre history.
Argyll and Bute, Scotland

The Drovers Inn

Nestled amid the peaks and lochs of the Scottish Highlands, this inn and pub has played host to outlaws and ghosts.
Glasgow, Scotland

Glasgow Hunterian Museum

A 200-year-old collection of oddities and medical paraphernalia.
Edinburgh, Scotland

William Wallace and Robert the Bruce Statues

Overlooked by many, the two famous Scottish warriors guard the main gate of Edinburgh Castle.
West Dunbartonshire, Scotland

Loch Lomond

Largest lake in Great Britain measured by surface area.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Heart of Midlothian

A sweet symbol marks the place where torturous executions were once carried out.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Jacob's Ladder

This obscure walkway links Edinburgh’s Old Town with one of the city's prime vantage points.
Paisley, Scotland

'Alien' Gargoyle

A familiar otherworldly creature guards this 12th-century Scottish abbey.
Grangemouth, Scotland

The Kelpies

The heads of two giant mythological water horses honor Scotland's horselord past.
Roslin, Scotland

Rosslyn Chapel

A church that bred legends, and served as an inspiration for the Da Vinci Code.
Highland, Scotland

Ben Nevis

The highest peak in the United Kingdom has a history of physics, specters, and a pilgrimage of strange objects.
Drymen, Scotland

Buchanan Castle

This castle was established by the 4th Duke of Montrose and is connected to the Buchanan Clan.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Old Calton Cemetery

A 18th century graveyard and its astonishing cortege of macabre iconography.
Glenfinnan, Scotland

Glenfinnan Viaduct

Now famous as the "Harry Potter bridge," this impressive concrete viaduct has long been an icon in its own right.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Witchery

Near the former site of numerous witch burnings, this lavish Edinburgh mainstay pays homage to Scotland's brutal history.
Glasgow, Scotland

The Glasgow Necropolis

"Respectful to the dead, safe and sanitary to the living, dedicated to the Genius of Memory..."
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Witches' Well

The fountain marks the area where hundreds of accused witches were burned at the stake.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Holyrood Abbey Ruins

Ruined 11th century abbey built by King David I in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Mary King's Close

17th century streets hidden under Edinburgh were once a breeding ground for the black death.