caitlinalicecb's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Carnlough, Northern Ireland
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Durness, Scotland

Smoo Cave

A sea cave with a waterfall and Viking past
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Miss Jean Brodie Steps

These steps offer a breathtaking view of one of Europe's most besieged fortresses.
Pittenweem, Scotland

St. Fillan's Cave

This tiny little cave was said to have been a refuge for a saint with a glowing arm.
Lerwick, Scotland

Up Helly Aa

During this Shetland Islands celebration, hundreds of torch-carrying "guizers" lead a procession to burn a viking longboat.

The Old Forge

A pub that is literally in the middle of nowhere, but continues to do business.

Corryvreckan Whirlpool

Legend says a witch conjured the world's third largest whirlpool to protect Scotland from a nasty pirate.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Blair Street Underground Vaults

A labyrinthine network of chambers with a storied past hides below Edinburgh's South Bridge.
West Dunbartonshire, Scotland

Balloch Park Fairy Trail

A local tree surgeon has created a whimsical walk full of carved tree stumps near Scotland's Loch Lomond.
Highland, Scotland

Clootie Well

A pagan tradition of draping trees with rags eerily lives on.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Cramond Ghost Island

Accessible only at low tide, the deserted island is dotted with World War II ruins.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

Fairy Glen

This dramatic landscape hidden on the Isle of Skye looks as though you've stepped into the magical realm.
Isle of Staffa, Scotland

Fingal's Cave

This astonishingly geometric cave has inspired everyone from Jules Verne to Pink Floyd.
Berlin, Germany

Off-World Gaming

A dilapidated space station with overtones of 'Alien' and 'Bladerunner' featuring a multiplayer games galore.
Berlin, Germany

Tempelhof Airport

Berlin's old airport.
Newfoundland and Labrador

Iceberg Alley

Hundreds of enormous icebergs drift through this waterway every year.

Lake Abraham

The frozen bubbles that form on the icy surface of this Canadian lake contain enough methane to create a small explosion.
Great Dunmow, England

Talliston House & Gardens

An English artist has turned an unassuming ex-council house into a time-lost house of mystery.