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London, England

Richmond Park

This beautiful deer park was built so King Charles I and his court could go hunting while escaping a deadly plague outbreak.
London, England

Coade Stone Caryatids

A measuring mishap led to these artificial stone ladies losing their stomachs.
London, England

Dick Whittington’s Cat

A monument to the thrice mayor of London who according to lore made his fortune by selling his rat-chasing cat.
London, England

Elfin Oak

This ancient oak plays host to carvings of magical elves, gnomes, witches, and other creatures prominent in local folklore.
London, England

Black Cats of Carreras Cigarette Factory

Black cat statues guard this temple-like Egyptian revival factory.
London, England

Strawberry Hill

In Twickenham sits a small whitewashed castle that inspired Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein.'
London, England

Alfred Hitchcock's London Flat

One of the greatest movie directors of all time lived and worked in this London flat from 1926 to 1939.
London, England

The Ghost of a Flea

William Blake claimed to have painted this gothic masterpiece after encountering this nightmarish being in a vision.
London, England

Boadicea and Her Daughters

A statue of the legendary Celtic warrior queen who fought the Roman invaders stands in one of the cities she once destroyed.
London, England

Viking Tombstone

This Viking gravestone carved in a rare runic style was dug up from a London churchyard.
London, England

The Champion

This 19th-century pub features stained-glass windows celebrating Victorian-era "champions."
London, England

'The Naked Ladies'

No one knows who created the statues or if they are arranged properly—let alone the artwork's real name.
London, England

Horniman Aquarium

A wonderfully eclectic Victorian aquarium lies in the basement of the Horniman Museum.
London, England

The Deadhouse

Tombstones and enigmatic inscriptions hide within a vault beneath a popular London arts venue.
London, England

Yeoman Warders Club

There's an exclusive Beefeaters pub hidden in the Tower of London.
London, England

The London Library

More than a million titles fill the labyrinthine shelves of this prestigious private library.
London, England

Tyburn Tree Marker

Never actually a tree at all, this spot was the site of London's public hangings for nearly 600 years.
London, England

West Norwood Cemetery

A Victorian park cemetery, standing on the site of what was once the Great North Wood.
London, England

British Library Treasures Gallery

The library houses an incredible collection of some of the world's most impressive books and manuscripts.
London, England


Classic game cookery takes center stage at what's widely considered London's oldest restaurant.
London, England

St. Nicholas Church Memento Mori

These morbid carvings remind churchgoers of the inevitability of death.
London, England

Cabaret Mechanical Theatre

Traveling collection of amazing automata.
London, England

The Museum of Everything (Moving Location)

London's largest outsider art museum.
London, England

St Bride's Church & Charnel House

This landmark church concealed a crypt packed with bones that was discovered thanks to the London Blitz.