violetaclare06's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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London, England

The Fourth Plinth

Originally meant to hold a statue of King William IV, this support sat empty for years. Today, it hosts a rotating cast of public artwork.
London, England

Charing Cross Storm Tree

A living memorial to the trees London lost during the Great Storm of 1987.
London, England

Honey & Co. Bloomsbury

Feast on Middle Eastern mezze from an Israeli expat duo.
London, England

Mold Gold Cape

This intriguing Bronze Age artifact spent centuries hidden within a Welsh faerie hill.
London, England

Sir John Franklin Expedition Memorial

A tribute to the intrepid explorer and his crew who perished in terrible conditions on an ill-fated expedition to the Arctic.
London, England

The Royal Philatelic Collection

The British monarchy's stamp collection is one of the most impressive in all of Europe revealing generations of royal nerdery.
London, England

Wolf-God of Woodeaton

A gruesome and mysterious ancient sculpture of a pagan deity from the Roman occupation of Celtic Britain.
London, England

Tongue & Brisket

This third-generation institution is one of the last in London that still cures its own salt beef for epic sandwiches.
London, England

The Aurochs Skull

The gigantic skull of a long-extinct species that once roamed the forests of England and Ireland.
London, England

Supper Club Tube

A decommissioned tube carriage within a London museum hosts a regular pop-up supper club.
London, England

V&A Museum of Childhood

A museum wholly devoted to juvenescence.
London, England

Cabaret Mechanical Theatre

Traveling collection of amazing automata.
London, England

Rolling Bridge

This unique bridge curls up like a caterpillar to let boats pass and then unfurls again to span a small canal.
London, England

The Churchill Arms

This pub was 238 years old when it decided to revamp its image: It started serving Thai food.
London, England

Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology

An small and easily overlooked archaeology museum chock full of Egyptian artifacts.
London, England

Saint Bartholomew's Hospital Pathology Museum

A collection dedicated to the treatment of disease, held in London's oldest hospital.