Claus Lund Rosenkilde's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Paris, France

Foucault's Pendulum

19th century pendulum and a clock restored by a rogue group of guerilla artists.
Marseille, France

Unite d'Habitation and the Radiant City

What if all public housing projects had been designed by "the Pygmalion of modern architecture," not only their prototype?
Couëron, France

House in the Loire

The sunken structure looks like the victim of a catastrophic flood.
Porto-Vecchio, France

Cala Longa's Resort Ruins

A resort destroyed by a mysterious bombing offers visitors only its remains and the riddle behind it's demise.
Marseille, France

Rove Tunnel

Longest canal tunnel in the world, abandoned in the 1960s.
Paris, France

Le Droit Humain Masonic Lodge

The historic Masonic Lodge in which the first-ever female Mason was initiated.
Paris, France

'Les Spécialistes' Fake Door

This banal Parisian entranceway is not what it seems.
Saint-Étienne, France

Maison sans Escalier (The House Without Stairs)

An architectural oddity of six stories, accessed by graceful ramps.
Etsaut, France

Chemin de la Mâture

This narrow path was cut right into a French mountainside to feed the country's early naval expansion.
Paris, France

Medici Column

The spiral staircase hidden inside this giant Parisian column was likely built for Catherine de Medici's astrologer.
Paris, France

The Grand Lodge of France

One of the oldest masonic museums in Paris.
Villefranche-sur-Mer, France

The Rue Obscure

A medieval military street hidden beneath a charming French fishing village.
Boulogne-Billancourt, France

Château Edmond de Rothschild

This crumbling, graffiti-covered mansion sits tantalizingly within reach of the proletariat who frequent a public park.
Roubaix, France

La Piscine

Museum in a swimming pool where the water still flows.
Paris, France

Sculptures de Décure

Exquisite wall sculptures carved in secret by an early quarryman in an obscure corner of the Paris Catacombs.
Paris, France

Arago Medallions

135 bronze medallions mark a French meridian line which once rivaled the hotshot Greenwich timeline.
Paris, France

Water Tank Beneath Palais Garnier

The subterranean "lake" below the Paris opera house inspired the Phantom of the Opera's lair.
Marseille, France

Château d'If

This historic island prison holds one of the dungeons from the Count of Monte Cristo even though it is a work of fiction.
Giverny, France

Claude Monet House and Gardens

At Monet's beloved home you can still see the Japanese bridge, waterlilies, and weeping willows that were the subjects of some of his most iconic paintings.
Chartres, France

Labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral

The famous winding walk at Chartres is surrounded in mystery and myth.
Aubeterre-sur-Dronne, France

Underground Church of Saint-Jean at Aubeterre-sur-Dronne

The largest underground church in Europe.
Paris, France

Statue of Liberty, Pont de Grenelle

This statue was given to France by the United States to commemorate the centennial of the French Revolution.
Lyon, France

Traboules Secret Passages

Hundreds of hidden passageways weave through the old quarters of Lyon.
Montignac, France

Cave of Lascaux

Ancient paintings known as the "Sistine Chapel of Cave Art."