cocron1's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Lucca, Italy
Places visited in Wien, Austria
Places visited in Munich, Germany
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Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw Pegasus Sculptures

This colorful and quirky set of pegasus sculptures celebrate the works of poet Zbigniew Herbert.
Warsaw, Poland

'Greetings from Jerusalem Avenue'

An artificial date palm stands as a memorial to Warsaw's Jewish community.
Warsaw, Poland

Old Town Wishing Bell

This bell stars in a tragic love tale and is said to make wishes come true.
Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw Uprising Monument

A tribute to the Polish insurgents who fought in the failed attempt to end their city's Nazi occupation.
Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw Gasworks Museum

Warsaw's fantastically preserved gasworks...almost.
Munich, Germany

Klenze's Stone Bench

The unusually large seat sits atop the base of a ruined temple.
Munich, Germany

Orlando di Lasso Statue

This tribute to the 16th-century composer is now an unusual shrine to Michael Jackson.
Munich, Germany

Bruno the Bear

The taxidermy remains of the first brown bear to enter Germany in 170 years.
Munich, Germany

Wunden der Erinnerung (Wounds of Memory), LMU Library

The scars of World War II are preserved on its walls.
Munich, Germany


This beautiful 19th-century temple stands atop the ruins of its predecessor.
Munich, Germany

Volkssternwarte München

A delightful but little-known public observatory and planetarium in Munich.
Munich, Germany

München Olympiastadion

An abandoned train station in Munich constructed for the 1972 Olympic games.
Munich, Germany

Pinakothek der Moderne Futuro House

One of the most easily accessible examples of the rare 1960s UFO houses.
Naples, Italy

Lipsanothecae of the Chapel of Saint Francesco de Geronimo

The relics of dozens of martyrs are stored in a single chapel.
Naples, Italy

Church of Santa Luciella ai Librai

An unusual "skull with ears" sits in the crypt of this small church tucked away at the end of a narrow alley.
Naples, Italy

Anatomy Museum of the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli

An eerie, little-known Neapolitan museum filled with preserved human remains.
Naples, Italy

Catacombs of Saint Gaudiosus

The burial place of an obscure North African saint was turned into a macabre body preservation factory for the 17th-century Neapolitan elite.
Naples, Italy

Gabinetto Segreto

The once forbidden "secret cabinet" of erotic art from excavations of Pompeii and Herculaneum.
Ravello, Italy

Terrace of Infinity at Villa Cimbrone

Beautiful views and Roman-style statues on the Italian coast.
Capri, Italy

Arco Naturale (Natural Arch)

This clifftop arch is a natural stunner.
Naples, Italy

Ruins of Liternum

A former Roman town that was once the home of Scipio Africanus.
Naples, Italy

Toledo Art Station

This shining multicolored metro station deep under Naples is said to be the most beautiful in Europe.
Bled, Slovenia

Bled Island and Castle

This one-time health resort was used by aristocrats around the world.
Brussels, Belgium

The Belgian Centre for Comic Strip Art

From Tintin to the Smurfs, Europe's greatest graphic icons are celebrated in a grand Art Noveau gallery.