coldbeer666's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Crawfordville, Florida

Wakulla Springs

One of the world’s largest and deepest freshwater springs, where mastodons once roamed.
Key Largo, Florida

Christ of the Abyss

An underwater statue of Christ blesses the depths off Key Largo.
Marianna, Florida

Florida Caverns State Park

The only Florida state park with publicly accessible caves.
St. Augustine, Florida

Treasury Street

St. Augustine's record-setting narrow street was designed to protect against pirates.
Cortez, Florida

The Sea Hagg

An eclectic treasure trove of maritime marvels.
Kissimmee, Florida

Manor Professional Wrestling Dinner Theater

Would you like a sleeper hold with that?
Gainesville, Florida

University of Florida Bat Houses

The world's largest occupied bat houses hold hundreds of thousands of flying mammals.
Sarasota, Florida

John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art

A Circus legend leaves an unexpected endowment.
Orlando, Florida

Skeletons: Museum of Osteology

Hundreds of skulls and bones at the largest skeleton museum in the country.
Gibsonton, Florida

Gibsonton, Florida

The snowbirds here are circus sideshow performers.
Ochopee, Florida

Skunk Ape Research Headquarters

In the depths of the Everglades, one man has dedicated his life to studying the elusive Skunk Ape.
Riverview, Florida

International Independent Showmen’s Museum

The history of the traveling carnival is remembered by this sprawling collection of vintage wagons, games, and rides.
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Mai-Kai Restaurant

When you can't get to the Pacific, just go to Florida.
St. Augustine, Florida

Wolf's Museum of Mystery

This curio museum seems like the type of place you might find a mogwai or a monkey's paw.
Delray Beach, Florida

The Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens

Japanese gardens dedicated to the Japanese farmer that refused to throw in the trowel.
Tampa, Florida

Dysfunctional Grace Art Co.

An oddities shop that dabbles in the deathly and beautiful.
Key West, Florida

Robert the Doll

This legendary "evil" doll has been haunting the citizens of Key West for over 100 years.
Marco Island, Florida

Cape Romano Dome House

An abandoned vacation home spent a decade taking on legends. It's now taking on water.
Orlando, Florida

Carmine Oddities Boutique

Human skulls and a stuffed goat made into a rocking chair can be found at this strange little store.
Miami Beach, Florida

World Erotic Art Museum

12,000 sq. ft. museum tracing erotic art from antiquity to modern times.
Lake Helen, Florida


Town of spiritualists and mediums in Florida.
Lake Wales, Florida

Spook Hill

A haunted hill that supposedly defied gravity.
Chipley, Florida

Seacrest Wolf Preserve

A giant 400-acre preserve in North Florida for displaced wolves.
Williston, Florida

Devil's Den

The scuba diving training facility was named for the steam that rises from the cave's chimney.