currer's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Barcelona, Spain

Park Güell

Gaudí's famously flamboyant architectural style is on full display in this sprawling park and garden.
Barcelona, Spain

Bunkers of Carmel

These secluded and abandoned anti-aircraft defenses have become one the most scenic viewpoints in Barcelona.
Barcelona, Spain

Montjuïc Cemetery

This cemetery features modernist statues as strange as its name.
Barcelona, Spain

Calder Mercury Fountain

A beautiful but toxic fountain of mercury.
Barcelona, Spain

Labyrinth Park of Horta

This semi-secret storybook hedge maze is also the oldest garden in the city.
Barcelona, Spain

Sagrada Família

Construction of Barcelona's iconic (but controversial) church is expected to be completed in 2026—a century after the death of its architect.
Barcelona, Spain

Casa Batlló

One of Antoni Gaudí's most classic buildings is well-known for its "dragon-back" design.
New York, New York

The Grolier Club

The oldest bibliophilia club in America, with exhibitions on historic books and graphic arts.
Cincinnati, Ohio

Cincinnati Mercantile Library

Hidden on two floors of downtown building, the library has an incredible deal on rent.
Houston, Texas

Rothko Chapel

The peaceful space is adorned by paintings by the famed abstract artist Mark Rothko.
Tucson, Arizona

Lisa Frank Factory

The fading, forgotten remains of a once bright and booming factory.
Waitomo, New Zealand

Waitomo Glowworm Caves

Tubing through a cave lit with glowworms is a magical underground experience.
Toronto, Ontario

The Rainbow Tunnel

This colorful creation wasn't always a welcome part of Toronto's Moccasin Trail Park.
Marble Canyon, Arizona

The Wave

Rippling sand dunes frozen in the Arizona rock.
Kitakyushu, Japan

Wisteria Tunnel

An exquisite tunnel of cascading flowers.
Isle of Staffa, Scotland

Fingal's Cave

This astonishingly geometric cave has inspired everyone from Jules Verne to Pink Floyd.
Paris, France

Catacombes de Paris

The vast, legendary catacombs hold secrets much stranger than stacked bones.
Cornwall, England

King Arthur's Stone

A 6th-century stone lies at the site of the mythical battle waged between King Arthur and his nemesis Mordred.
Bronx, New York

Banana Ripening Facility

Despite not growing anywhere near New York City, bananas are ripened in a pressurized room in the Bronx using precise banana science.
Genk, Belgium

Genk Sundial Park

This collection of solar timekeepers includes the world's first digital sundial.
Carlsbad, California

The Flower Fields

Stripes of flowers bloom each spring in a 50 acre rainbow of color.
Dresden, Germany

Kunsthofpassage Singing Drain Pipes

When the rain falls, this drain system turns into a musical instrument.
Lancaster, California

Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve

Each year these high desert hills are absolutely covered with poppy flowers in a surreal show of nature.
Yosemite National Park, California

Horsetail Fall's Firefall

Under the right circumstances, this waterfall in Yosemite briefly turns a luminescent fiery orange.