carolinelupini's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Kyle of Lochalsh, Scotland

Eilean Donan

The most iconic structure in Scotland has been home to bishops, colonels, and Sean Connery characters.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

Fairy Pools

These fantastically named natural pools look like something out of a Scottish myth.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

The Old Man of Storr

An ancient Scottish rock formation said to be the gravesite of a giant remains ensconced in legend and intrigue.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

The Quiraing

Islanders once used this dramatic, otherworldly landscape to hide their cattle from Viking raiders.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

The Lookout-Rubha Hunish

A former coastal watch post has been turned into a bothy with unrivaled views of the sea and its inhabitants.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

Fairy Glen

This dramatic landscape hidden on the Isle of Skye looks as though you've stepped into the magical realm.
Invergarry, Scotland

Glengarry Viewpoint

From here, the loch appears to take the shape of mainland Scotland.
Highland, Scotland

The Bridge of Oich

A double cantilever system bridge that was designed to prevent flood damage.
Invermoriston, Scotland

St. Columba's Well

It's believed this well was once plagued with evil spirits until St. Columba purified the water.
Inverness, Scotland

Clava Cairns

This site contains overlapping ancient graveyards that existed about 1,000 years apart.
Sofia, Bulgaria

The Necropolis of St. Sophia Church

Underneath this Byzantinian church lies a necropolis filled with ancient tombs and the ruins of previous churches.
Sofia, Bulgaria

National Palace of Culture

A vast Communist-era exhibition space in the Bulgarian capital.
Sofia, Bulgaria

DZI Sofia Center

This building has two facades of clashing architectural designs.
Sofia, Bulgaria

Statue of Sveta Sofia

"Holy Wisdom" overlooks the city that became its namesake.
Sofia, Bulgaria

The Largo

Sofia's legislative center is continuously reinventing itself.
Sofia, Bulgaria

Monument to the Soviet Army

A Bulgarian monument to Russia's role in World War II is constantly being painted in pop culture protest.
Diyarbakir, Turkey

Four-Legged Minaret

Balanced on four stone pillars, this historic tower was the site of a tragic political assassination.
Baku, Azerbaijan

Yanar Dağ (Fire Mountain)

Mysterious hillside with a continuously burning natural fire.
Goght, Armenia

Geghard Monastery

This Armenian monastery was carved out of cliffs and named after the spear used to stab Jesus.
Yerevan, Armenia

Lusik Aguletsi House-Museum

A museum dedicated to traditional Armenian clothing and their designer.
Yerevan, Armenia

Katoghike Church

This little medieval church hidden in the center of Yerevan was lost and rediscovered—twice.
Arinj, Armenia

Levon's Divine Underground

She asked for a potato cellar and over the next 23 years he gave her a network of holy caves.
Shiraz, Iran

Eram Garden

Named after a legendary garden called Eram in southern Arabia, built by order of Shaddad, an Arab king who wanted to compete with Paradise.
Shiraz, Iran

Shah Cheragh

Mirrors and glass shards cover every inch of this arrestingly beautiful mosque.