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Cambridge, England

Ascension Parish Burial Ground

The graveyard with the highest IQ in Britain.
Cambridge, England

Newton's Apple Tree, Trinity College

This tree was grafted from the actual tree that led Isaac Newton to ponder the theory of gravity.
Suffolk, England

The Spirit of Enterprise

A large piece of modern art makes this roundabout the only one in the world with its own laser.
Cambridge, England

Garret Hostel Bridge

Named after a lodging site that existed nearby, a bridge has existed at this location since 1455.
Cambridge, England

The Eagle

The Cambridge pub where Francis Crick announced that he and James Watson had discovered the DNA double-helix.
Cambridge, England

Whipple Museum of the History of Science

A treasure trove of astronomical, mathematical, and scientific instruments at Cambridge University.
Cambridge, England

Xu Zhimo Memorial

A monument to one of the most famous modernist Chinese poems and its poet.
Cambridge, England

Mathematical Bridge

Local legend says Isaac Newton built this footbridge without any screws, bolts, or nails.
Southend-on-Sea, England

Cranfield's Curiosity Cabinet

A magnificent menagerie of oddities, including taxidermy cryptids.
Southend-on-Sea, England

The Cutlass Stone

A story of cutlasses carelessly carving a celibate centenarian's cemetery stone.
Oxford, England

J.R.R. Tolkien's Grave

The names Lúthien and Beren can be found inscribed on the shared grave of the famous writer and his beloved wife and muse.
Essex, England

Old Harkilees

This wooden effigy believed to be King Charles I hung for centuries outside an inn and was mistaken for a deity.
Maidstone, England

Kent County Lunatic Asylum (Oakwood Hospital)

This former abandoned hospital, a complex of stunning 19th century buildings, once housed 2,000 psychiatric patients.
Oxford, England

Pitt Rivers Museum

Ancient Egyptian wigs, South American feather headdresses, a bounty of anthropological artifacts in Oxford.
Oxford, England

Oxford Museum of Natural History

Home to the most complete dodo remains known - one head, and one foot.
Oxford, England

Another Time II

Hidden in plain sight, this creepy sculpture watches from above.
Oxford, England

The Story Museum

An Oxford museum where visitors can have tea with the Mad Hatter and climb through the wardrobe to a fantasy land.
Oxford, England

The Norrington Room

Once one of the largest rooms full of books in the world, this bookstore basement is still a treat for bibliophiles.
Oxford, England

Jane Burden's Birthplace

A plaque marks the humble origins of an artistic muse who embodied the ideals of Pre-Raphaelite beauty.
East Sussex, England

Five Hundred Acre Wood

The forest that inspired Winnie-the-Pooh's Hundred Acre Wood can be found outside London.
Oxford, England

'Alice in Wonderland' Windows

The stoic structure boasts a whimsical set of stained glass art commemorating Lewis Carroll.
Essex, England

The 'Gants' of Braintree

You won't find these curiously named passageways anywhere else in England.
Blue Bell Hill, England

Kit's Coty House

The Neolithic megalith was one of the first archaeological ruins protected by the British government.
Great Leighs, England

The Witch Stone of Great Leighs

Near this allegedly haunted pub, you can find strong spirits on the rocks.