Darlingtonia's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Joshua Tree, California

Hicksville Trailer Palace

An eclectic trailer park retreat in the middle of the California desert.
Joshua Tree, California

The Noah Purifoy Desert Art Museum

Explore 10 acres of environmental sculptures.
Glendale, California

Museum of Neon Art

A one-of-a-kind collection of a unique medium.
Manhattan Beach, California

Light Gate

The sun acts as a key that only fits this giant keyhole twice a year.
Big Sur, California


Offering commanding views of the California coastline, this restaurant was a hub for the artists and bohemians of Big Sur.
Big Sur, California

The Henry Miller Memorial Library

It's not your typical library, memorial, or book store.
Big Sur, California

McWay Falls and Waterfall House Ruins

This Big Sur waterfall drops 80 feet directly into the Pacific Ocean, and inspired the hillside house up top.
Aptos, California

Egg Vending Machine at Glaum Ranch

At this California chicken ranch, four bucks will get you 18 eggs and a chorus of dancing animatronic poultry.
Oakland, California

Bay Area Thelemic Temple

A temple devoted to inner esoteric mysteries located in a California commercial strip.
Oakland, California

Phap Duyen Tu: The Buddha Shrine of Oakland

A hardware store Buddha statue installed to deter vandalism wound up attracting Vietnamese immigrants who came to pray.
Alameda, California

St. George Spirits

One of the best absinthe distilleries in the United States.
Alameda, California

Alameda Spite House

This (occupied) house is 10 feet wide and full of spite.
Berkeley, California

Aftel Archive of Curious Scents

Nose around a unique collection of more than 300 natural aromas used to craft perfume fragrances.
Berkeley, California

Mark Olivier's Yard Art

One man's prolific, decade-long quest to turn trash into artistic treasure.
Berkeley, California

Takara Sake Museum

The only museum of sake in the United States is nestled in an unlikely California college town.
Berkeley, California

Tail of the Yak

Handmade treasures from around the world.
Berkeley, California

Fairy Post Office

Travelers exchange letters with woodland creatures at this mini post office.
Borrego Springs, California

Pegleg Smith Monument

A monument to a one-legged kidnapper, horse thief, and charlatan asks visitors to throw rocks in a pile.
Madison, Wisconsin

Dapper Cadaver

"Looks so real, it's scary!"
Los Angeles, California

The LAPD Kōban

Common all over Japan, kōbans are small community police boxes, and now one is guarding one of L.A.’s megamalls.
Los Angeles, California

Los Angeles Breakfast Club

Friendships have been forged over ham and eggs every Wednesday morning for nearly a century.
Los Angeles, California

'Remnal of a Senging Chave'

Behind legendary Meltdown Comics is a marker for an engineered musical roadway of the Tehachapi, the great road builders of Kcymaerxthaere.
Los Angeles, California

The African American Fire Fighter Museum

Celebrating the accomplishments of Black firefighters in Los Angeles.
Los Angeles, California

Ferndell Nature Museum

A common entry point to the Griffith Observatory trail holds its own wonders.