DemonLlama02's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Lioness of Gobedra

According to one local legend, this image was created during a battle between a wild lioness and the archangel Michael.
Takasaki, Japan

Yamanoue Stele and Tumulus

The oldest surviving stele in Japan is a personal dedication from a monk to his late mother.
Troyanski manastir, Bulgaria

Troyan Monastery

At this 16th-century monastery in rural Bulgaria, visitors can also spend the night.
St. Augustine, Florida

González–Álvarez House

Built around 1723, this is the oldest surviving home in the U.S.'s oldest colonial city.
Velha Goa, India

Gate of the Palace of Adil Shah

The lone remnant of a 16th-century palace in Old Goa.
Cochem, Germany

Bundesbank Bunker Cochem

This Cold War–era fallout shelter was actually a storage facility for the nation's emergency currency.
Brunswick, Germany

'Katzenbalgen' ('Cat Brawl')

A purr-fectly spirited bronze celebration of local street felines through history.
Brooklyn, New York

Karen Deli Grocery

Sunset Park's Guatemalan community knows to head to the back of this bodega for a taste of home.
Norwalk, Connecticut

Stepford Wives Locations

Mansion and shopping center used in the 1975 film "The Stepford Wives."
Lee, Massachusetts

Retro Pop Shop

Journey through vintage Americana inside this small Massachusetts shop.
New Haven, Connecticut

Louis' Lunch

While many places make the claim, the Library of Congress says this restaurant is the birthplace of the hamburger.
Paris, France

Hotel Lutetia

A glamorous hotel that once accommodated French resistance fighters and concentration camp survivors.

Kalambo Falls

This stunning waterfall is the backdrop to a site that has seen continuous human habitation for 250,000 years.
Aspen, Colorado

Conundrum Hot Springs

It takes a nine-mile hike to reach these hot springs, but weary hikers are rewarded with stunning views and a warm soak.
Virginia Beach, Virginia

Jerrassic Park - Metal Dinosaur Park

Metal dinosaurs lurk in a sculpture garden on the outskirts of a popular resort town.
Larne, Northern Ireland

The Gobbins

A Victorian marvel of engineering is now a 21st-century tourist attraction.
Edgewood, Iowa

Ice Cave of Bixby State Preserve

Chilly air billows out from the entrance of an abandoned mine on a steep hillside, providing a refuge for Ice Age fauna and flora.
Istanbul, Turkey

Camondo Stairs

A gorgeous, Gaudí-esque stairway constructed in the city of Istanbul by a prominent Jewish family.
Washington, D.C.

USS Balao Conning Tower

Part of a WWII submarine is lurking outside the Washington Navy Yard parking lot.
Hickory Corners, Michigan

Gilmore Car Museum

Home to over 300 antique cars and motorcycles, including Thomas Edison's Model A.

Ala Kul Lake

A stunning blue-green lake located in the Terskey Alatau mountain range.
Cádiz, Spain

Baelo Claudia

The ruins of a 2,000-year-old Roman fishing village perched on one of the best beaches in Spain.
Westmeath, Ireland

The Hill of Uisneach

The symbolic center of Ireland, this summit also offers panoramic views of the countryside.

Sno Giant Head Sculptures

Georgia's answer to Easter Island immortalizes the nation's great poets, artists, and leaders in stone glory.