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Atlanta, Georgia

Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama

The Battle of Atlanta in 360 degrees, featuring a corpse that bears a striking resemblance to Clark Gable.
Atlanta, Georgia

Westview Cemetery

The largest cemetery in the American Southeast is a hidden gem near the heart of Atlanta.
Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta Rainbow Crosswalks

A colorful square marks the heart of the city's LGBTQ community.
Atlanta, Georgia

54 Columns

Atlanta's strange assortment of concrete pillars inspires reflection in some, confusion in others.
Walker County, Georgia

Fantastic Pit

The perfectly named cave drop is the deepest in the continental United States, almost matching the height of Seattle’s Space Needle.
Cleveland, Georgia

Babyland General Hospital: Cabbage Patch Kids

A museum and doll store featuring a surreal and super sanitized version of where babies come from.
St. Marys, Georgia

St. Marys Submarine Museum

Interactive modern and vintage submarine equipment, World War II relics, and submarine attire.
Savannah, Georgia

Rousakis Plaza Echo Square

"X" marks the spot of an echo chamber in the middle of a plaza.
Atlanta, Georgia

Gravity Research Foundation Monument

This stone is a marker of one millionaire's personal vendetta against gravity.
Plains, Georgia

Jimmy Carter Smiling Peanut

This 13-foot smiling peanut in Georgia helped Jimmy Carter win the 1976 presidential election.
Alto, Georgia

The School Bus Graveyard

Where school buses go to die and be reborn as whimsical works of art.
Cherry Log, Georgia

Expedition Bigfoot (The Sasquatch Museum)

An impressive collection is dedicated to the legendary beast.
Summerville, Georgia

Howard Finster's Paradise Gardens

This "Plant Farm Museum" is home to the divinely inspired and visionary outsider artwork of Reverend Howard Finster.
Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta White House

3/4-scale model of the White House in Atlanta, Georgia.
Riverdale, Georgia

Hindu Temple of Atlanta

A vision of beautiful Hindu architecture in the middle of the American South.
Atlanta, Georgia

Cator Woolford Gardens

Secret gardens just a few miles from downtown Atlanta.
Cartersville, Georgia

Etowah Indian Mounds

These ancient ritual mounds are our best window into the culture of the ancient Mississippians.
Columbus, Georgia

Lunch Box Museum

A stockpile of childhood lunch pails turned collectibles.
Atlanta, Georgia

Trader Vic's

Mai Tais and Navy Grog served up in one of the original tiki bars.
Clayton, Georgia

"Eye of God" Rapid, Chattooga River

A curious whirlpool formation supposedly capable of entangling or engulfing branches, tree trunks, or whole rafts full of hapless tourists.
Atlanta, Georgia

Cascade Springs Nature Preserve

Healing Springs that once ran red with soldiers' blood.
Savannah, Georgia

Alex Raskin Antiques

The "last unrestored grand mansion of Savannah" is now a cramped, mouldering maze of antiques.
Atlanta, Georgia

Crypt of Civilization

The world's first time capsule lies behind a welded steel door in Atlanta.
Alpharetta, Georgia

The Dwarf Castle

A man's home is his castle.