jenmelchip's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Chicago, Illinois

The Wieners Circle

A hot dog stand where the heads are just as hot as the dogs.
Chicago, Illinois

Bohemian National Cemetery

Cemetery featuring rare glass-fronted columbarium.
Chicago, Illinois

Graceland Cemetery

An enormous park-like oasis, full of famous Chicagoans' graves.
Chicago, Illinois

Calumet Fisheries

One of Chicago's last seafood smokehouses perfects a dying breed of fishcraft.
Chicago, Illinois

Quimby's Bookstore

The beloved home to all publications indie, erotic, and punky.
Chicago, Illinois

Leather Archives & Museum

Chicago's museum dedicated to the history of bondage and fetishism is more textbook than titillation.
Chicago, Illinois

The DNA Discovery Center

At Chicago's revered Field Museum, visitors are invited to learn about and literally explore DNA.
Chicago, Illinois

Crown Fountain

The twin towers in this Chicago fountain use 50 foot tall video screens to spit on people.
Chicago, Illinois

Money Museum

This museum celebrating the almighty dollar lets visitors literally stand in the shadow of a million bucks.
Chicago, Illinois

Thorne Miniature Rooms

Each of these gorgeous, intricately decorated rooms is painstakingly crafted to the scale of 1 inch: 1 foot.
Chicago, Illinois

Wooden Block Alley

All of Chicago's wood-paved streets are long gone but two alleys remain.
Chicago, Illinois

Rosehill Cemetery

Chicago's largest cemetery is full of beautiful Victorian monuments and more than a few ghost stories.
Chicago, Illinois

Palmer House Hilton

This historic hotel invented the chocolate brownie.
Chicago, Illinois

Eternal Silence

A haunting statue called "Eternal Silence" has quite the reputation among visitors with active imaginations.
Chicago, Illinois

Green Mill Jazz Club

A century-old hotspot for jazz, frequented by everyone from Charlie Chaplin to Al Capone.
Chicago, Illinois

International Museum of Surgical Science

A monument to the art of slicing people open.
Chicago, Illinois

Oz Park

This whimsical Oz-themed park had a wonderful impact on the surrounding neighborhood.
Chicago, Illinois

Garfield Park Conservatory

A lush green oasis in the middle of Chicago.
Chicago, Illinois

Wicker Park Secret Agent Supply Co.

This shop for all your super spy needs hides an educational secret.
Chicago, Illinois

Woolly Mammoth Antiques and Oddities

This morbid, delightful curiosity shop offers everything from animal bones to human teeth.
Simi Valley, California

Corriganville Park

The ruins of the movie ranch owned by actor and stuntman Ray "Crash" Corrigan.
Los Angeles, California


Established in the '60s, a family-owned tropical drink bar founded by Ray Buhen, bartender to the stars.
Los Angeles, California

Chandelier Tree

Dozens of lights dangle from the branches of what may be the brightest tree in Los Angeles.
Los Angeles, California

Skeletons in the Closet

Gift shop offering toe tags and chalk body beach towels tucked into a coroner's office.