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Paris, France

The Gravestone Courtyard

Walk upon the mementos of the dead in this Parisian courtyard paved with medieval tombstones.
Giverny, France

Claude Monet House and Gardens

At Monet's beloved home you can still see the Japanese bridge, waterlilies, and weeping willows that were the subjects of some of his most iconic paintings.
Marseille, France

Château d'If

This historic island prison holds one of the dungeons from the Count of Monte Cristo even though it is a work of fiction.
Chamonix, France

Lac Blanc

An icy lake tucked among jaw-dropping alpine panoramas.
Lyon, France

Traboules Secret Passages

Hundreds of hidden passageways weave through the old quarters of Lyon.
Cahors, France

Pont Valentre

A 14th century bridge built as a fortress, where the devil lurks on one of its towers.
Saint-Pierre-Colamine, France

Jonas Caves

A cave dwelling that was started by the Celts, expanded by monks, and finished by knights.
Montignac, France

Cave of Lascaux

Ancient paintings known as the "Sistine Chapel of Cave Art."
Jumièges, France

Ruins of the Jumiège Abbey

Sacked by Vikings, blessed by William the Conqueror, dealt a fatal blow during the French Revolution—these ruins have seen it all.
Paris, France

Lion of The Botanical Gardens

A majestic lion statue guards this Parisian botanical garden, and feeds on an unsettling item.
Mont Saint-Michel, France

Mont Saint-Michel

This 1,300 year old monastery built atop a single rock was once only accessible depending on the whims of the tide.
Montreal, Québec

McPherson and Rutherford Physics Collections

Two adjoining collections of 19th-20th century physics apparatuses and instruments.
Eilat, Israel

Red Sea Star

Underwater restaurant at the coral reefs of Eilat.
Eilon, Israel

Monfort Fortress

A secluded fortress from the days of the Crusades that offers breathtaking views.
Acre, Israel

El-Jazzar Mosque

A stunning mosque owes its design to an Ottoman ruler nicknamed "the Butcher."
Ashalim, Israel

Ashalim Power Station

Deep in the Negev Desert, the world's tallest solar tower looks like a sight straight out of science fiction.
Mitzpe Ramon, Israel

Khan Saharonim

One of the few guarded stops along the great spice route.
Kfar Kama, Israel

Kfar Kama

One of only two towns in Israel populated by Circassians, a sect of Sunni Muslims who are also devoted to Israeli military service.
Jerusalem, Israel

The Austrian Hospice

This unassuming oasis elevated just above the busy streets of Jerusalem offers one of the best views of the Old City.
East Jerusalem, Israel

Siloam Tunnel

An ancient tunnel in Jerusalem built to redirect water in the event of a siege is one of history’s great architectural innovations.
Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

Steinhardt Museum of Natural History

Israel's first dedicated natural history museum is home to 5 million specimens and still growing.
Hamaam, Israel

Mount Arbel

An iconic view point of the Sea of Galilee offers a look into Israel's past.
Ein Gedi, Israel

David Waterfall

The tallest waterfall in the Judean Desert is named for its connection to a biblical figure.
Caesarea, Israel

Caesarea Maritima Mithraeum

An ancient underground cultic temple where sunlight penetrates on the summer solstice.