dtheodora's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Hilo, Hawaii
Places added to Shropshire, England
Places edited in Colmar, France
Places added to Salzburg, Austria
Places edited in Staffordshire, England
Places added to Canterbury, England
Places visited in Burnet, Texas
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Mexico City, Mexico

Monoliths of the Templo Mayor

This museum houses two of Mexico's most impressive Aztec monoliths.
Mexico City, Mexico

La Casa de los Azulejos

Once home to an aristocratic family and a workers' organization, this intricately tiled building now houses a chain restaurant.
Mexico City, Mexico

Serpents of the Great Temple

These spectacular, symbolic serpents lie within the shadow of the Great Temple.
Mexico City, Mexico

Death Mask of Pakal the Great

The striking jade death mask of an ancient Maya king is displayed in a replica tomb in Mexico City.
Mexico City, Mexico

Monumento a la Revolución

Many people don't realize there’s a lot going on in—and below—the world’s tallest triumphal arch.
Mexico City, Mexico

Disk of Death

This strange sculpture of a menacing skull surrounded by sun rays was discovered at the foot of the Pyramid of the Sun.
Mexico City, Mexico

Museo de Arte Popular

An airy Art Deco space devoted to the weird and wonderful folk art traditions of Mexico.
Mexico City, Mexico

Dualidad Mural

This immense scene of a cosmic battle between a jaguar and serpent illustrates the Aztec concept of the duality of life.
Mexico City, Mexico

Casa Gilardi

The last home designed in its entirety by noted architect Luis Barragán owes its existence to an impressive jacaranda tree.
Mexico City, Mexico

'Las Razas y La Cultura' Mural

This stunning and ethereal mural symbolizes the beauty, unity, and diversity of humankind.
Mexico City, Mexico

Ocelotl Cuauhxicalli

This colossal ancient jaguar sculpture was used as a vessel for the hearts torn from sacrificial victims.
Mexico City, Mexico

Chapultepec Castle

The only castle in North America to ever house European sovereigns.
Mexico City, Mexico

Skull Rack of the Great Temple

A disquieting Aztec sculpture displays hundreds of stone skulls representing the victims of human sacrifice.
Lutcher, Louisiana

Bonfires on the Levee for Papa Noel

A Cajun-style Christmas on the river also involves sky-high pyres and explosives.
Burnet, Texas

Longhorn Cavern

An immense cave that has served as an outlaw's treasure trove, an underground dance hall, a nuclear fallout shelter, and much more.
Lisbon, Portugal

Pastéis de Belém

Eat the ultimate iteration of Portugal's most beloved pastry.
Warrington, England

Golden Gates

This very ornate Victorian gateway seems completely out of place in the modern industrial city of Warrington.
Tulsa, Oklahoma

Meadow Gold Sign

This 1930s-era Route 66 Tulsa landmark was moved, restored, and filled with neon.
Isle of Anglesey, Wales

South Stack Lighthouse

The lighthouse is on a island which is connected to another island, which is connected to another island, which is connected to one of the largest islands in the world.
Wayne, Alberta

The 11 Bridges of Wayne

To get to or from this Canadian ghost town, you'll need to cross 11 single-lane bridges.
Waterton Park, Alberta

Prince of Wales Hotel

A majestic hotel that also stands as a historic relic.
Improvement District No. 9, Alberta

Banff Wildlife Crossings

Though many were skeptical at first, these animal-specific routes across the Trans-Canada Highway have been a major conservation success.
Drumheller, Alberta

Atlas Coal Mine

A seven-story wooden coal tipple stands this former mine, the last of many that once covered this area.
Drumheller, Alberta

The Little Church

A six-person chapel in the middle of Alberta's badlands.