earlstirling's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Washington, D.C.

International Spy Museum

Home to items never before seen by the public.
Boston, Massachusetts

Central Burying Ground

American revolutionaries and British soldiers alike are buried here in the fourth-ever cemetery in Boston.
Watertown, Massachusetts

The Plumbing Museum

Located in a beautifully restored ice house, this museum is the result of decades of hard work and devotion to the craft of plumbing.
Waltham, Massachusetts

Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation

A steampunk wonderland that preserves America's history of industrial innovation.
South Hadley, Massachusetts

Joseph Allen Skinner Museum

One philanthropist's extensive collection of knick-knacks and curiosities is now a public museum of oddity.
North Adams, Massachusetts

Harmonic Bridge

Resonating tubes make music from highway overpass.
Boston, Massachusetts

Museum of Bad Art

Museum dedicated to awful artwork.
Boston, Massachusetts

Fort Independence (Castle Island)

On a former island, this old fortification once used to protect the Boston Area and started Edgar Allan Poe in his military career.
Boston, Massachusetts

Boston History Dioramas

Painstakingly built dioramas sit unnoticed in a Boston office building.
Boston, Massachusetts

Salada Tea Doors

The history of the tea trade is told in bas-relief on this historic pair of Boston doors.
Boston, Massachusetts

Copp's Hill Burying Ground

This landmark cemetery in Boston was created more than 300 years ago.
Fremont, California

The Secret Sidewalk

The old Niles Canyon Aqueduct in the San Francisco Bay Area is a bemusing and secret trail through nature for wayward travelers.
Boston, Massachusetts

Boston's Old Burying Grounds

Macabre headstones carved with winged skulls, dancing skeletons, and pithy reminders of impending death.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

MIT Edgerton Center

MIT students continue the legacy of beloved professor "Doc" Edgerton through learning by doing.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Collection of Historical Scientific Instruments Mark I

This massive World War II calculator hearkens back to the days when "computer" was a job title.
Boston, Massachusetts

Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (The Gardner)

Two thousand artifacts from around the world collected by one woman who loved to travel.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Blaschka Glass Flowers

Impossibly life-like natural history models created out of glass by a father and son.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Harvard Museum of Natural History

Three prestigious academic collections come together to create a world-class natural history museum.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Forbes Pigment Collection

The thousands of shades on display — some toxic, others impossibly rare — are a library of more than just color.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

MIT Museum: Arthur Ganson

Bouncing, delightful, mechanical art at the MIT Museum.
Boston, Massachusetts

Metropolitan Waterworks Museum

Beautiful steampunk ghosts of early Massachusetts.
Boston, Massachusetts

Site of the Boston Tax Riot

One of the indelible moments of the American Revolution took place at this location.
Boston, Massachusetts

Warren Anatomical Museum

This Boston medical museum features the skull of the famous medical case of Phineas Gage.
Boston, Massachusetts

Mapparium Globe

An enormous, inside-out glass globe built in 1935.