egckull's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Lund, Nevada

Water Gap

The site of an improbable and ill-fated attempt to use dammed floodwaters for irrigation.
Twin Falls, Idaho

Twin Falls Waterfall

One of the "twins" in these falls on the Snake River was sacrificed for hydropower generation in the 1930s.
San Jose, California

Sonic Runway

At night, this glittering musical tunnel draws skaters and photographers.
San Jose, California

Monopoly in the Park

The largest permanent Monopoly board makes one of the longest games even bigger.
Marble Canyon, Arizona

Edmaier's Secret

This hidden gem in Arizona is truly worth the rugged journey.
Cairns, Australia

'Citizens Gateway to the Great Barrier Reef'

This public art is inspired by a local Aboriginal creation story.
Potsdam, Germany

Hiroshima-Nagasaki Platz

A memorial commemorating the place where Truman gave the order to deploy the first nuclear bombs on Japan.
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Sach’s Bridge

This covered bridge was used by both Union and Confederate troops during the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863.
Pohang, South Korea

Pohang Space Walk

This 317-ton walkable art installation is an homage to Korea's "City of Steel."
Hiko, Nevada

Crescent Mill

A remarkably well-preserved brick chimney from a smelter dating to the 1860s is all that remains of this former mill.
Huntsville, Alabama

Hotel Monte Sano

This 19th-century hotel and spa hosted famous guests like like the Vanderbilt family, William Waldorf Astor, Helen Keller, and Jay Gould.
Sir Lowry's Pass, South Africa

Gantouw Pass Wagon Trail

These 250-year-old wagon tracks are a lasting sign of Dutch migrants crossing the mountains.
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Ulaanbaatar City Museum

This cozy little museum is a journey through the history of Mongolia’s capital.
Guadalupe, Colombia

Salto de Guadalupe

Ride a steep cable car alongside a tall waterfall that feeds a near century-old power plant.
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Bún Riêu Gánh

This crab paste noodle soup specialist has been doling out its namesake dish for more than four decades.
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Nhớ Tuyết

For a taste of Vietnamese gastropub culture, look no further than this convivial seafood joint that stays open till midnight.
Oga, Japan

The Big Namahage Statues

Two ogres stand guard at the Oga Visitor Center.
Havana, Cuba

Finca La Luisa

Visit the ruins of a magnificent mansion confiscated by Fidel Castro.
Twentynine Palms, California

End of The World Sign

Artist Jack Pierson made this surreal sculpture in honor of Wonder Valley, a countercultural community on edge of civilization.
Nashville, Tennessee

Maíz de la Vida

Bone marrow-loaded birria with handmade corn tortillas—need we say more?
Oga, Japan

Godzilla Rock

A natural resemblance of the monster of film lore.
Belleville, Wisconsin

Stewart Tunnel Ice Formations

Every winter, the wind carves blocks of frozen water into beautiful abstract shapes inside this unusually curved tunnel.
Blue Mounds, Wisconsin

Cave of the Mounds

This cave holds a surprisingly colorful variety of geological oddities.
Harrison, Nebraska

Toadstool Geologic Park

Other-worldly rock formations and ancient fossils abound in this unique stretch of Nebraska badlands.