Eleoz's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Bordeaux, France

Falling Car of Bordeaux

This Bordeaux parking garage has 712 indoor spaces, and one outdoor.
Bordeaux, France

Miroir d'eau

The world's largest reflecting pool is just two centimeters deep.
Annecy, France

Palais de l’Île

A fortified palace in the shape of a ship on the Thiou river.
Lyon, France

Traboules Secret Passages

Hundreds of hidden passageways weave through the old quarters of Lyon.
Lyon, France

Metallic Tower of Fourvière

Lyon's miniature version of the Eiffel Tower was built as a statement in support of French secularism.
Genoa, Italy

Ascensore Castello d'Albertis-Montegalletto

This peculiar Italian elevator runs both horizontally and vertically.
Genoa, Italy

Genoa Cathedral

This cathedral hides a sculpted dog that determines your fate and an unexploded shell from World War II.
Murato, France

San Michele de Murato

This remarkable checkered church on a Corsican hilltop is fabled to have been built by angels.
Dublin, Ireland

Kilmainham Gaol

One of Ireland's most infamous prisons for rebels including men, women and children.
Dublin, Ireland

Rory Gallagher Corner

A guitar mounted on a wall in Temple Bar honors the Irish musician.
Dublin, Ireland

The Long Room Library at Trinity College

The gorgeous library at Trinity College is home to remarkable treasures of Irish identity.
Berlin, Germany

The Frame Collector's Museum

Antique frame collection with 2,400 frames.
Berlin, Germany

Schrotkugelturm (Shot Ball Tower)

A century-old shot ball factory tower is open to the public once a year.
Istanbul, Turkey

Kaiser Wilhelm Fountain

A fountain standing as a testament to a doomed alliance.
Istanbul, Turkey

Basilica Cisterns of Istanbul

A marvel of Byzantine engineering under the streets of Istanbul.
Berlin, Germany

The DDR Museum

A fascinating insight into daily life in the Eastern Bloc.
Berlin, Germany

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

Thousands of coffin-like pillars make up this controversial Holocaust memorial.
Berlin, Germany

Berliner Unterwelten (Subterranean Berlin)

A tour of underground Berlin takes you through WWII air raid shelters and tunnels used to smuggle people out of East Germany.
Vienna, Austria


Vienna's diversity-themed traffic lights were inspired by the Eurovision Song Contest.
Vienna, Austria

Vienna Grand Ferris Wheel

Vienna's giant wonder wheel had a starring role in one of the greatest noir movies of all time.
Vienna, Austria

Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Austrian National Library)

The beautiful baroque library of the Hapsburg empire.
Prague, Czechia


Straight out of a nightmare, barcode-faced babies climb up and down Prague's television tower.
Prague, Czechia

Žižkov Tower

Looming communist pillar with a Czech twist.
Prague, Czechia

Statue of King Wenceslas Riding an Upside-Down Dead Horse

A mocking tribute to the past and modern leadership of Prague.