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Chicago, Illinois

Englewood Post Office

This modest post office sits on the site of H.H. Holmes' famous murder castle.
Chicago, Illinois

Carroll Avenue

A little-known subterranean street runs under some of the best-known buildings in Chicago's River North.
Chicago, Illinois

The Wieners Circle

A hot dog stand where the heads are just as hot as the dogs.
Chicago, Illinois

Stan Mansion

Built to house a chapter of the Knights Templar, this grandiose building is a relic of Freemasonry in Chicago a century ago.
Chicago, Illinois

Chicago Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium

Chicago's North Park Village was once the largest municipal sanatorium in the country.
Chicago, Illinois

Couch Place (The Alley of Death)

This alley in downtown Chicago held the bodies of over 600 people after the fateful Iroquois Theatre fire.
Chicago, Illinois

International Museum of Surgical Science

A monument to the art of slicing people open.
Chicago, Illinois

Hidden Egyptian Temple in Field Museum Break Room

Years of archaeology, just chillin' by the water cooler.
Chicago, Illinois

The World's Columbian Exhibition of 1893

What's left of the ruins of the 1893 Columbian Exhibition, or World's Fair, also known as the White City.
Chicago, Illinois

Wooden Block Alley

All of Chicago's wood-paved streets are long gone but two alleys remain.
Chicago, Illinois

Palmer House Hilton

This historic hotel invented the chocolate brownie.
Chicago, Illinois

Damen Silos

These abandoned grain silos and tunnels are an urban exploration dream.
Chicago, Illinois

Rosehill Cemetery

Chicago's largest cemetery is full of beautiful Victorian monuments and more than a few ghost stories.
Chicago, Illinois

Green Mill Jazz Club

A century-old hotspot for jazz, frequented by everyone from Charlie Chaplin to Al Capone.
Chicago, Illinois

Graceland Cemetery

An enormous park-like oasis, full of famous Chicagoans' graves.
Chicago, Illinois

The Violet Hour

A speakeasy takes on Chicago's drinking culture.
Chicago, Illinois

Shit Fountain

A giant bronze coil of feces is both a tribute to doggie defecation and a reminder to pick it up.
Chicago, Illinois

Garfield Park Conservatory

A lush green oasis in the middle of Chicago.
Chicago, Illinois

Merz Apothecary

An antiquated German apothecary on Chicago's North Side.
Chicago, Illinois

Tiffany Dome

This massive stained-glass masterpiece is thought to be the largest Tiffany dome in existence.