evelynrainhart's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Faro, Portugal

Capela de Ossos Bone Chapel

This small chapel is built of human bones and decorated with a golden skeleton.
Arcozelo, Portugal

Capela do Senhor da Pedra

Picturesque intersection of witchcraft and ancient Christianity.
Colares, Portugal

Convent of the Capuchos

The verdant mossy ruins of a Franciscan monastery lie in the remote Sintra hills awaiting exploration.
Lisbon, Portugal

Panorâmico de Monsanto

This now abandoned restaurant provides some of the most amazing views of Lisboa.
Lisbon, Portugal

Caza das Vellas Loreto

This charming candle shop has been in business since 1789.
Lisbon, Portugal

Livraria Bertrand

The world's oldest bookshop still in operation.
Naters, Switzerland

Naters Beinhaus

This ossuary is more than five centuries old and is heralded as one of the finest in Switzerland.
Zurich, Switzerland


Zurich's evolution museum hosts a unique collection of skeletons among its natural history treasures.
Gränichen, Switzerland

Hexenmuseum Schweiz

The excellent Swiss museum of witchcraft is led by a modern witch.
Saint-Maurice, Switzerland

Abbey St. Maurice d'Agaune

Abbey built on the ruins of Roman catacombs.
Eskifjörður, Iceland

Sören and Sigurborgar's Rare Stone Collection

This elderly couple's hand-picked collection of rare gems is one of the finest in all of Iceland.
Raufarhöfn, Iceland

The Arctic Henge

This modern monument to pagan belief looks like it was transported straight from ancient times.
Hólmavík, Iceland

The Museum of Icelandic Sorcery & Witchcraft

Staves, storm-calling, and of course, necropants.
Flateyri, Iceland

Flateyri Bookstore

The oldest bookstore in Iceland.
Stokkseyri, Iceland


Inside this museum, visitors venture through ghost stories entrenched in Icelandic folklore.
Reykjavik, Iceland

Hólavallagarður Cemetery

This verdant, tree-lined Reykjavik graveyard is both enchanting and eerie.
Reykjavik, Iceland

Ásatrú Temple

Iceland's first pagan temple in 1,000 years is underway in Reykjavík.
Thingvellir, Iceland


This natural Icelandic fissure allows divers to swim right between two volatile tectonic plates.

Drangey Island

An Icelandic island full of diving birds and legend.
Gruyères, Switzerland

H.R. Giger Museum

The bizarre visions of H.R. Giger, tucked away in a Swiss medieval city.
Geneva, Switzerland

Le Frigo

Walk through a restaurant's refrigerator door to reach this hidden bar.
Vallorbe, Switzerland

Grottes de Vallorbe

Over 3km of caverns and caves at the Switzerland-France border contain the largest underground river in Central Europe.
Leuk, Switzerland

Leuk Charnel House

For centuries no one knew there were hundreds of bones and precious artwork hidden beneath this Swiss church.
Martigny, Switzerland


Enormous, fluffy dogs frolic around this museum dedicated to a legendary Saint Bernard.