evelynrainhart's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Krong Ban Lung, Cambodia

Yeak Laom

Arguing within this idyllic, circular volcanic lake is forbidden.
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Phsar Thmei (Central Market)

One of the biggest markets in Asia, under one of the continent's largest domes.
Kitakyushu, Japan

Wisteria Tunnel

An exquisite tunnel of cascading flowers.
Narusawa-mura, Japan

Narusawa Hyoketsu (Ice Cave)

A 70-foot-deep ice cave formed by lava from Mt. Fuji on the edge of Japan's "Suicide Forest." 
Nara, Japan

Tōdai-ji Daibutsuden (The Great Buddha Hall)

This massive wooden building contains a giant Buddha, healing pillars, and tame deer wandering the grounds.
Kobayashi, Japan

Crepe Vending Machine

Ever needed a chocolate-filled crepe in the wee hours of the morning?
Tamana, Japan


A mysterious set of tunnels carved in the hills of rural northern Kyushu.
Iga, Japan

Iga Ryu Ninja Museum

Be a ninja - or just act like one.
Ōshima Island, Japan

Mount Mihara

This active volcano's siren song to suicide jumpers forced authorities to build a fence.
Kawasaki, Japan

Kanamara Matsuri Festival

A rare festival blending religion, blacksmiths, vagina dentata, sex workers, and the straight-up facts of life.
Nagano, Japan

Nagano's Darkroom

This ancient temple is set up to take you on a pilgrimage of self.
Sapporo, Japan

Dog's Roasted Sweet Potato Stand

The only thing sweeter than the potatoes is the canine proprietor of this roadside stall.
Kyoto, Japan

Kyoto Botanical Garden

With over 12,000 different species of plants, this botanical garden is Japan's oldest and most diverse.
Beppu, Japan

Chinoike Jigoku

Steaming blood-red hot spring from hell.
Seki-shi, Japan

Monet's Pond

This pond is so stunning it looks like you've stepped into one of Monet's masterpieces.
Fujinomiya, Japan

Tenshou-Kyousha Shrine Mermaid Mummy

Reportedly 1,400 years old, this may be the first of the Fiji Mermaids.
Hokkaidō, Japan

Blue Pond

This mesmerizingly colorful pond looks like a scene straight out of a fairytale.
Kyoto, Japan


More than 300 years old, Kyoto's historic "teahouse" still operates as an invitation-only geisha club.
Kyoto, Japan

Sagano Scenic Railway

A train ride to the middle of nowhere gives its passengers some of the most iconic views of Japan's seasons.
Utsunomiya, Japan

Oya History Museum - Subterranean Cave

This massive, beautifully-lit underground quarry leaves visitors in awe.
Nasu, Japan

Sesshōseki (Killing Stone)

Believed to hold the remains of Japan's most infamous fox spirit, this stone is said to kill those who dare approach.
Kushiro, Japan

Lake Akan Ainu Kotan

This village is home to the largest existing settlement of the Ainu, the Indigenous people of Japan.
Tokyo, Japan

Tateishi Burger Vending Machine

A charming, homemade vending machine dispenses burgers and sandwiches at this hole-in-the-wall bakery.
Kyoto, Japan

Honke Owariya

One of Kyoto's oldest food establishments has supplied soba noodles to temple priests and the Imperial Palace.