eweseman13's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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New York, New York

'The Sale of Manhattan'

Down a stairway in the East Village, you could once read a plaque describing an alternate history of a fictional version of Manhattan.
Cleveland, Ohio

'Land of the Warres'

On a wall in Cleveland, Ohio find the story of a highly connected fictional community of organisms that created remarkable, lasting structures.
Holland, Michigan


Outside Hope College in Holland, Michigan, a marker honors a University without people from the fictional Kcymaerxthaereal times.

'Place of Refuge'

According to fictional Kcymaerxthaereal history, a powerful woman with a voice whose beauty could not be concealed found solace at this site at the Majestic Hotel in Singapore.
Berlin, Germany

'Das Schicksal Der (Fate of) Bravenleavanne'

The site of good faith and good nature in the fictional world of Kcymaerxthaere.
Basel, Switzerland

'Eine gefahrliche Uberfahrt' ('A Dangerous Crossing')

Along the Rhine, about a mile from the historic Munster, learn the heartrending story of two lovers torn asunder, cast into unknown layers of time and space.
Pedraza, Spain

'Los Prados Gnacien' ('Gnacien Paddock')

A site outside Pedraza, Spain where a plaque tells a tale of seven-legged creatures that were said to have once lived in the area—in the fictional world of Kcymaerxthaere.
London, England

'Great Dangaroo Flood'

On a wall in linear London, a plaque hangs at the high water mark of one of the worst floods in fictional Kcymaerxthaereal times.
Oxfordshire, England

'Lands of Exiles'

In pastoral England, a plaque marks where an imaginary community addressed the problem of combat mortality.
Beatty, Nevada

'Rhyolite's District of Shadows'

A land of debatable treasure.
Box Elder County, Utah

'Eddgar and Benn'

This plaque marks the site where the penultimate chapter in the journey of two doomed boys unfolded in an imagined parallel universe.
Terre Haute, Indiana

'Crossroads of Kymaerica'

In an alley not far from where two great highways meet, byways of a very different sort are honored.
Douglas, Michigan

'New Singapore'

On the shores of Lake Kalamazoo, a plaque marks a fictional event where an island nation ran aground.
Paris, Illinois

'Embassy Row of the Parisian Diaspora'

One of the first historical sites of an alternative universe was installed in the town of Paris, Illinois—which is now home to an annual spelling bee of Kcymaerxthaereal words.
Grand Rapids, Michigan

'Forest's Rest'

On the right bank of the Grand River a plaque remembers an imaginary painter who once awaited his youth.
Grand Rapids, Michigan

'Erailen Gwome'

At Fountain and Division, in the shadow of Kendall College of Art and Design, lays the story of a fictional culture whose political system was used under license and who finally rebelled.
Rockford, Michigan

The Corner Bar and Hot Dog Hall of Fame

With over 5,000 champions, the Hall of Fame continues to draw amateur eaters.
Mount Pleasant, Michigan

Mission Creek Cemetery

The final resting place of a prominent Chippewa chief and several Native American children.
Mount Pleasant, Michigan

Mount Pleasant Indian Industrial School

This solemn facility remembers the cruel effort to compel Native American children to relinquish their culture.
France / Spain

Pheasant Island

This tiny river island switches sovereignty every six months as part of a rare, centuries-old agreement.
South Sudan

Topi of Boma National Park

Every October, one of the largest migration of mammals in the world thunders through Boma National Park.
London, England

Highgate Cemetery

London's creepiest cemetery was once the site of dueling magicians and mobs of stake-carrying vampire hunters.
Province of Salerno, Italy

Valle delle Ferriere

Amalfi's pre-industrial history is slowly being engulfed by the lush vegetation of the Ferriere Valley.
Furore, Italy

Fiordo di Furore

A narrow opening between the mountains of the Amalfi Coast creates a scenic hidden beach.