Flozzy's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Painswick, England

Painswick Rococo Garden

Asthmatic Charles Hyett's son built a fantastical garden for his father to convalesce in, alas it was too late.
Glasgow, Scotland

Glasgow City Center Mural Trail

A scattered trail of street art adds a pop of color to the city's stark structures.
Isle of Anglesey, Wales

Parys Mountain

The remains of centuries of copper mining appear like an alien landscape.
Saltburn-by-the-Sea, England

Saltburn Cliff Lift

This beautiful example of Victorian engineering is the oldest water-balanced funicular anywhere in the world.
Ponsanooth, England

Kennall Vale Gunpowder Works

A sturdy relic of Britain's once crucial gunpowder industry is now a haunting Cornish ruin.
Whitby, England

Bram Stoker Memorial Seat

The view that inspired the scenes of Dracula's first landing in England.
Lincolnshire, England

Woolsthorpe Manor

Isaac Newton's former home, where the famous apple tree still stands.
Brighton, England

Clayton Tunnel North Portal

This tunnel entrance is built to resemble a grand castle but no one is quite sure why.
London, England

Hungerford Footbridge Skateboard Graveyard

The broken skateboards that became a poignant memorial to a murdered skater.
Birmingham, England

Aston Hall

This ornate English estates "Prodigy House" still bears the cannonball marks of civil war.
Stoke-on-Trent, England

Trentham Monkey Forest

An open air haven for tropical monkeys in the damp moors of the English country.
Ceredigion, Wales

Sol Cinema

The world's smallest movie theater runs on solar power—an attraction in itself.
Northumberland, England

Northumberlandia: Lady of the North

A million and a half tons of earth were used to create one of the world's largest land sculptures.
Cornwall, England

Church of St. Morwenna and St. John the Baptist

This ancient church, rebuilt at least 3 times, is flanked at all sides by history.
Hathersage, England

Little John's Grave

A headstone notes where the most famous of Robin Hood's legendary Merry Men is reportedly buried.
Brighton, England

Madeira Lift

Decrepit Victorian public lift is a white-knuckle ride.
Somerset, England

Tarr Steps

This ancient bridge made of stone slabs is said to be reserved for the devil to sunbathe.
East Molesey, England

Magic Tap

Floating pink tap installed for a flower show in London.
Glasgow, Scotland

Duke of Wellington Statue

This stately monument has been wearing a traffic cone hat for decades much to the delight of the locals.
Derbyshire, England

Renishaw Hall

This lovely ancestral home inspired the author D.H. Lawrence, and features a tunnel made out of a living willow.
Waterloo, England

'Another Place'

A hundred copies of Antony Gormley's naked body stare out across the water.
London, England

Public Standards of Length

19th-century scientists would make the pilgrimage here to verify the precision of their measuring sticks.
Coleraine, Northern Ireland

Mussenden Temple

This Italian-style temple replica has been threatening to fall off the Irish coast for hundreds of years.
Beaconsfield, England

Bekonscot Model Village

The world's oldest model village.