folkhorrorfem's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Felsted, England

The Felsted Hag

This 400-year-old house tells a tale of witchcraft and woodwork.
Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland

Carrickfergus Witches' Pillory

A replica memorializes the site where women were punished after the last witchcraft trial in Ireland.
Berlin, Germany


This futuristic German spa allows visitors to float in a pool of salt water while zoning out to underwater techno.
Gablenz, Germany

Rakotzbrücke Devil's Bridge

This jaw-dropping 19th-century bridge uses its reflection to form what appears to be a perfect circle.
Berlin, Germany

Spandauer Zitadelle (Spandau Citadel)

A 12th-century fortress containing some of Berlin's oldest buildings.
Lohmen, Germany

The Bastei

Ruins of a German Castle on top of a towering stone pillar.
Berlin, Germany

Museum of Unheard of Things

A wunderkammer of mysterious objects and stories.
Schwangau, Germany

Neuschwanstein Castle

The fairy tale castle of the "fairy-tale king."
Saalfeld, Germany

Saalfeld Fairy Grottoes

"The most colorful grottoes of the world.
Cologne, Germany

Church of St. Ursula

A church filled with the bones of hundreds of virgins martyrs—or so they say.
Waldsassen, Germany

The Skeletons of Waldsassen Basilica

Skeletons dressed in extravagant 18th century royal costumes cavort in the aisles of this German basilica.
Berlin, Germany

Berliner Medizinhistorisches Museum

Home to 10,000 medical specimens including the remains of Rudolf Virchow's extensive collection of pathological specimens.
Munich, Germany

Jeweled Skeleton of Saint Munditia

The patron saint of spinsters grasps a container of dried blood.
Lichtenstein, Germany

Lichtenstein Castle

A striking 12th-century-style castle built on the edge of a cliff.
Berlin, Germany

Museum der Dinge

From toys to kettles to scientific instruments, this German museum celebrates the beauty of 20th century design.
Berlin, Germany

Museum für Naturkunde

Berlin's natural history museum houses the world's largest mounted dinosaur and the late beloved polar bear Knut.
Mühltal, Germany

Castle Frankenstein

The birthplace of an eccentric alchemist and possible inspiration for the fictional reanimator of monsters.
Berlin, Germany


A whimsical and twisted animatronic monster tour beneath the streets of Berlin.
Berlin, Germany

Berlin Botanical Garden

Started as a kitchen garden, now the second largest botanical garden in the world.
Berlin, Germany


An eerie, derelict amusement park in Berlin.
Lemgo, Germany

Karl Junker House

An intricate and amazing house built by architect Karl Junker.
Glastonbury, England

'King Arthur's Tomb'

In the ruins of Glastonbury Abbey lies the alleged resting place of the legendary king.

The Lost Town of Newtown Jerpoint (Jerpoint Park)

Local legend says the remains of Father Christmas lie within the medieval grounds.
Torri in Sabina, Italy

Santa Maria della Lode in Vescovio

This beautiful Romanesque church preserves stunning medieval frescoes and the excavations of a Roman market town.