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Puebla, Mexico

Casa del Títere (House of Puppets)

A former factory hosts an amazing collection of Mexican marionettes.
Zacatecas, Mexico

Mina El Edén Rock and Mineral Museum

The spectacular subterranean collection includes dazzling minerals, including a piece of "kryptonite."
Chihuahua, Mexico

Historical Museum of the Mexican Revolution

The former home of the famed revolutionary Pancho Villa is now a museum in his honor.
Palenque, Mexico

Scarlet Macaws of Palenque

After becoming locally extinct, this esteemed avian now flies free in the forests around the ancient ruins.
San Cristóbal de las Casas, Mexico

Museo de la Medicina Maya (Mayan Medicine Museum)

The displays in this off-the-beaten-path museum highlight the holistic, indigenous methods of healing.
Mineral del Monte, Mexico

Panteón Inglés

The English graveyard of Mineral del Monte, a magical little piece of Cornwall in Mexico.
Mexico City, Mexico

Faculty of Medicine Mural

A gigantic, symbolic artwork covers the side of the building.
Xalapa, Mexico

Xalapa Museum of Anthropology

The largest collection of artifacts from the Olmec civilization, the mother culture of Mesoamerica.
Chalcatzingo, Mexico


In the Valley of Morelos lies a mysterious Olmec site with signs of jaguar veneration.
Mexico City, Mexico

'La Conquista de la Energia' ('The Conquest of Energy')

This mid-century mural portrays humankind's spiritual and scientific journey.
San Juan Teotihuacan de Arista, Mexico

Quetzalpapálotl Palace

Dating back to the second century, vestiges of prehispanic mural paintings are found in this underground palace.
Mexico City, Mexico

Helu's Productos Árabes

This tiny, tucked-away eatery reflects the history of Mexico's Lebanese immigrants.
Mexico City, Mexico

Mexican Calendars Exhibition at the Soumaya Museum

This collection of promotional calendars preserves a staple of mid-century Mexican pop art.
San Cristóbal de las Casas, Mexico

Taller Leñateros (Woodlanders’ Workshop)

Mexico’s first and only Tzotzil Maya bookbinding workshop.
Aguascalientes, Mexico

Templo del Señor de los Rayos (Temple of the Lord of the Rays)

The history of this futuristic crypt-turned-temple is as curious as its facade.
Mexico City, Mexico

Flowers & Gardens Spring Festival

Mexico City decorates its facades with extravagant floral arrangements every year.
Guanajuato, Mexico

Ex-Hacienda de San Gabriel de Barrera Gardens

This colonial mining complex is now home to magnificent themed gardens.
Mexico City, Mexico

'El Perfil del Tiempo'

A "time traveler's" vision of human history stretches throughout Mexico City's Copilco metro station.
Mexico City, Mexico

Museo Guadalupano (Virgin of Guadalupe Museum)

The unique collection of gifts includes braids of human hair, a spoon, and a Virgin made of bread.
Barranca, Mexico

La Joya Honda

Legend has it thieves once stashed their treasures in this crater in the Mexican desert.
Mexico City, Mexico

Museo de la Radio (Radio Museum)

A Mexico City subway station boasts a hidden museum, complete with a working radio booth.
Mexico City, Mexico

National Center for the Arts (CENART)

This architectural wonder of Mexico City houses several art schools and national research centers.
Cancún, Mexico

El Rey Ruins

A small collection of iguana-infested ruins hides amid Cancún's bustling hotel zone.
Mexico City, Mexico

Museo de Geología (Museum of the Institute of Geology)

The museum houses "the most studied meteorite in history," among other geological oddities.