gone2croatan's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Pramarzo, Italy

Temple of Damanhur

Eco-village hidden in the foothills of the Alps that created a massive system of psychedelic underground temples.
Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Italy

Mithraeum at Santa Maria Capua Vetere

The underground sanctuary of a mysterious ancient Roman religious cult contains an exquisite traditional fresco.
Melbourne, Australia

The Haunted Bookshop

Occult books, tarot, oddities.
County Antrim, Northern Ireland

Giant's Causeway

Northern Ireland's Brobdingnagian stepping stones.
Cusco, Peru

Qenqo Temple

Death rituals and sacrifice inside a Peruvian megalith.
Rapa Nui, Chile


This was once the center of the Birdman cult, and is now a World Heritage Site.
Qrendi, Malta


This Stone Age solar temple aligns with the sun on each equinox and solstice.
Dandarah, Egypt

Hathor Temple

One of the most well-preserved temples of ancient Egypt.
Nubia, Egypt

The Temple of Abu Simbel

Ozymandias’ time-keeping temple.
Gorna krepost, Bulgaria


An ancient Thracian city where fire rituals were practiced on the largest cult altar in Southeast Europe.
Odry, Poland

The Stone Circles at Odry

Deep in a Polish forest, this collection of Iron Age megaliths still holds onto many of its ancient secrets.
Dubrovnik, Croatia

Dubrovnik Maskeron

Gargoyle head that brings good luck.
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Centre of Shaman Eternal Heavenly Sophistication

A nondescript dirt lot hides an intriguing center of shamanic healing.
Urgun, Mongolia

Khamriin Khiid

Mongolian Buddhists believe this monastery in the Gobi desert to be the center of the world's spiritual energy.
Stockholm, Sweden

Codex Gigas (The Devil's Bible)

An illuminated manuscript comprising the life's work of a lone monk, inexplicably decorated with a portrait of Satan himself.
Adams, Tennessee

The Bell Witch Cave

Home of an evil witch famous within southern folklore.
Denizli Merkez, Turkey

Pluto's Gate

A deadly ancient portal to the underworld.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Marie Laveau's House of Voodoo

A museum and shop on Bourbon Street located in the former home of the second Voodoo Queen of New Orleans.
Syracuse, Italy

Ear of Dionysius

Italian cave with exceptional acoustics and an unsavory history.
Tintagel, England

Merlin’s Cave

It is said the legendary wizard once lived in this sea cave beneath Tintagel Castle.
Monte di Cuma, Italy

Antro della Sibilla (Cave of the Sibyl)

Virgil's many-mouthed gateway to the underworld.
Mesopotamos, Greece

Necromanteion of Ephyra

Ancient Greek oracle of the dead.
Snugborough, Ireland

Darby's Bed

A Neolithic passage tomb said to have sheltered two legendary Irish lovers.
Ballyedmonduff, Ireland

Ballyedmonduff Wedge Tomb

This Bronze Age tomb is the centerpiece of a clearing within a beautiful Irish forest.