hellenfury's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Palmer, Texas

The Church at Texas

This unusual roadside attraction filled with handcrafted signage is home to a unique church.
Waxahachie, Texas

Webb Gallery

It specializes in outsider art and artifacts of secret societies.
Waxahachie, Texas

Desertron: The Superconducting Super Collider

A Texas-sized particle collider that was abandoned due to its Texas-sized budget.
Waxahachie, Texas

Munster Mansion

A Victorian mansion, painstakingly reproduced to appear just as the the Munster's family home did on TV.
Paradise, Texas

The Lost Arm of F. Stewart

In Paradise Cemetery resides a mysterious headstone with a strange inscription.
Denton, Texas

The Chairy Orchard

A quirky collection of old chairs fills a random vacant lot in suburban Texas.
Plano, Texas

Collinsworth Cemetery

This family cemetery is a reminder of a smallpox outbreak in late-19th-century Texas.
The Colony, Texas

Barney Smith's Toilet Seat Art Museum

A master plumber has turned his love of art and toilets into a folk museum that's not taking the piss.
Irving, Texas

'Mustangs of Las Colinas'

This strategically-placed fountain creates the magnificent illusion of mustangs galloping across a river.
Aurora, Texas

1890s Alien Gravesite

This small town Texas cemetery is said to be the burial site of a UFO pilot who crashed in the 1800s.
Irving, Texas

Momo Spot

Exceptional Nepalese food can be found in a Texas gas station.
Watauga, Texas

Chef Point Bar & Restaurant

High-end dining has a home in this former gas station.
Fort Worth, Texas

Fort Worth Stockyards

Belly up to the bar in Cowtown, don't forget to buy some boots.
Fort Worth, Texas

The Palace Light Bulb

The world's second-longest burning light bulb.
Fort Worth, Texas

Cowgirl Hall of Fame

A Texas museum filled with Broncos and Betties.
Fort Worth, Texas

Leonard's Museum

This small museum tells the story of Fort Worth's first and largest superstore.
Fort Worth, Texas

Man With a Briefcase

The man who wasn't there.
Dallas, Texas

Gravesite of Clyde Barrow

The final resting place of infamous outlaw Clyde and Marvin Barrow.
Dallas, Texas

The Texas Woofus

A mythical chimera first sculpted in 1936 as a mix of the main animals of Texas livestock.
Dallas, Texas

Adrian E. Flatt, M.D., Hand Collection

This collection of bronze hands comes from astronauts, presidents, baseball greats, and more.
Dallas, Texas

The Grave of Bonnie Parker

The final resting place of an outlaw, whose legend grew after death.
Dallas, Texas

The Traveling Man

A trio of colossal statues spread across a Dallas neighborhood chart the emergence of a giant robot born of a locomotive and spilled gin.
Dallas, Texas

'Eye' Sculpture

This downtown Dallas art installation is always on the lookout.
Louisville, Kentucky

Cave Hill Cemetery

The largest cemetery in Louisville is the final resting place of Col. Sanders and Muhammad Ali.