imyourmausoleum's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Manzanares el Real, Spain

Manzanares el Real Castle

A magnificent, long-abandoned castle built in the wake of the reconquest of Spain.
Teruel, Spain

The Two Lovers of Teruel

These magnificently sculpted tombs represent Spain's own legendary version of "Romeo and Juliet."
La Palma, Spain

Sunken Crosses of Malpique

This underwater graveyard commemorates a group of murdered 16th-century missionaries.
Baiona, Spain

J-4 Abandoned Coastal Artillery

This abandoned naval battery stood at the ready as recently as the 1980s.
Güímar, Spain

Pyramids of Guimar

Lava stone structures possibly dating back to the 19th century may have been a stopping point for voyagers between ancient Egypt and the Mayan Civilization.
Bellvei, Spain

Mas de la Muga

Hidden well off the beaten path in Catalonia is this crumbling medieval castle that is slowly being covered in graffiti.
Berrioplano, Spain

Fort of San Cristóbal

This huge abandoned fortress hidden inside a mountain holds a world of subterranean secrets.
Sant Miquel de Gonteres, Spain

Hospital Torax de Terrassa

This chest hospital with a dark, haunted past serves as a fitting set for horror films and a paradise for ghost hunters.
Madrid, Spain

Guanche Mummy of Madrid

This embalmed man is one of the best preserved mummies from the Canary Islands.
Santa Margalida, Spain

Necropolis of Son Real

The largest prehistoric cemetery on the Balearic Islands dates back over 2,500 years.
Bélmez de la Moraleda, Spain

Bélmez Faces

Mysterious face-like images that appeared within an Andalusian house are surrounded by legends of the paranormal.
Madrid, Spain

Caños del Peral Archaeological Museum

This small museum tucked within a subway station holds pieces from Madrid's past.
Cartagena, Spain

National Museum of Underwater Archeology

An impressive display of ships and artifacts from the ancient Mediterranean maritime trade.
Yaiza, Spain

Green Lagoon

This beautifully verdant lagoon is tucked below a massive volcano in a crater atop a black pebble beach.
Madrid, Spain

The Tower of the Bones

Part of the medieval watchtower is displayed in an otherwise ordinary parking garage.
Les Fonts, Spain

Les Fonts Castle

This imposing modern citadel started out as a home renovation project.
Asturias, Spain

Villa Excelsior

An abandoned Indian-inspired mansion.
Madrid, Spain

Muslim Walls of Madrid

Among the oldest structures in Madrid, these Moorish walls once guarded the medieval city of Mayrit.
Lugo, Spain

Roman Walls of Lugo

Remarkably intact Roman stone fortifications have encircled this Spanish city for centuries.
Cartagena, Spain

Roman Theatre of Cartagena

An ancient Roman theatre restored to its former glory in the Spanish city of Cartegena.
Toledo, Spain

Museo de la Tortura

A display of torture devices used in the Spanish Inquisition and other scourges of medieval Europe.
Cardona, Spain

Castle of Cardona

This ancient Spanish castle sits high upon a hilltop.
La Palma, Spain

The Black Beaches of La Palma

Volcanic rocks ground down into sand make this Spanish beach as black as night.
A Coruña, Spain

Tower of Hercules

The oldest Roman lighthouse still in use.