indiasmith32's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Pepeekeo, Hawaii

'Akaka Falls

These picturesque Hawaiian falls are home to a rare species of fish that uses a special sucker to climb up cliffs.
Wahiawa, Hawaii

World's Largest Plant Maze

Race through the maze, get your name on the sign.
Hana, Hawaii

Hana Lava Tube

A tunnel of hardened lava along Maui’s famous Road to Hana.

Punalu`u Black Sand Beach

This black shoreline is made up of exploded lava particles.
Hilo, Hawaii

Mauna Kea

Earth's tallest volcano is sacred to Native Hawaiians, and home to a dozen world-class observatories.
Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta Rainbow Crosswalks

A colorful square marks the heart of the city's LGBTQ community.
Columbus, Georgia

Lunch Box Museum

A stockpile of childhood lunch pails turned collectibles.
Jekyll Island, Georgia

Driftwood Beach

Constant erosion has created a surreal landscape of bleached and preserved fallen trees.
Atlanta, Georgia

Tiny Doors ATL

Scattered around Atlanta are little doors with big charm.
Atlanta, Georgia

Krog Street Tunnel

An underground magnet for ever-changing street art.
Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta Prison Farm

The beauty of urban decay, hiding some dark secrets.
Savannah, Georgia

The Paris Market

This quirky curiosity shop takes its cues from the world's bazaars.
Atlanta, Georgia

CDC Museum

Tour the sci-fi-esque reality of governmental disease management.
Lookout Mountain, Georgia

Rock City

A bizarre roadside attraction and the first instance of miniature golf in the world.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Red Mountain

The eroded core of an ancient volcano is now accessible by a short hike.
Leupp, Arizona

Grand Falls

Witnessing the might of this dessert-colored desert waterfall is a rare, powerful treat.
Phoenix, Arizona

MacAlpine's Soda Fountain

Open since 1938, this diner has kept its fountain, malt machine, and all the gum that greasers left beneath its counter.
Winslow, Arizona

Standin' On the Corner Park

This public square capitalized on a single Eagles reference to bring some life back to an Arizona town.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Humphreys Peak

The highest point in Arizona is an oddly snow-topped peak within the otherwise arid state.
Amado, Arizona

Longhorn Grill and Saloon

This giant steer-skull edifice refuses to die.
Holbrook, Arizona

Bucket of Blood Street

This sanguine boulevard was named after a deadly cowboy bar fight.
Safford, Arizona

Large Binocular Telescope

One of the world's largest telescopes, stares into the night sky with two huge mirrors.
Yucca, Arizona

Area 66

This golf ball–shaped former desert real estate office now houses a UFO museum.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Cinder Lake Crater Field

An artificial crater field that trained astronauts for lunar exploration.