info 7b4f37f6's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Vila Nova de Foz Côa, Portugal

Horse of Mazouco

This impressive rupestrian engraving dates back to the Upper Palaeolithic period.

Drowned Village of Vilarinho da Furna

A submerged village appears when dam levels drop.
Montalegre, Portugal

Ponte da Misarela (Misalera Bridge)

Local lore says the devil built this beautiful medieval bridge to help a fleeing bandit.

Minas dos Carris

An abandoned mining complex in Serra do Gerês.
Bemposta, Spain

Ciudad de los Muchachos

The ruins of the second-largest circus school in the world.
Veiga, Spain

Casa das Pedriñas

This house covered in small stones was the work of one man over the course of nearly 30 years.
Oviedo, Spain

Iglesia Santa Maria del Naranco

The atmospheric ruins of a historic church can be found on a hill above the city of Oviedo.
A Coruña, Spain

Elevador del Monte de San Pedro

This panoramic lift provides a futuristic ride up San Pedro Mountain.
A Coruña, Spain

Menhires Pola Paz

Giant granite sculptures representing family on the northern coast of Spain.
Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Shadow Pilgrim

An accidental trick of light casts the perfect shadow of a pilgrim of the Camino de Santiago against the cathedral wall.
Baiona, Spain

J-4 Abandoned Coastal Artillery

This abandoned naval battery stood at the ready as recently as the 1980s.
O Rosal, Spain

Mills of Folon and Picon

"Satisfying" is a good way to describe these beautifully aligned rows of Spanish mills.
Vale de Nogueiras, Portugal

Santuário Rupestre de Panóias (Panoias Sanctuary)

This Gallo-Roman sanctuary is dedicated to Serápis, god of the underworld.
Schrobenhausen, Germany

European Asparagus Museum

Behold, a collection dedicated to Germany's favorite vegetable.
Ribadesella, Spain

Tito Bustillo Cave

A magnificent place to see authentic paleolithic cave paintings that are an astounding 33,000 years old.
Cuevas, Spain

La Cuevona

A road that winds through this natural cave is the only way to access the small, appropriately-named village of Cuevas.
Llanes, Spain

Bufones de Arenillas

Stormy conditions send jets of seawater bursting through holes in the cliffs.
Pimiango, Spain

El Pindal Cave

These primitive rock paintings include a very beloved depiction of a woolly mammoth.
Coruño, Spain

Church of Skate

This century-old ruined temple was reborn as "The Church of Skate."
Cahors, France

Pont Valentre

A 14th century bridge built as a fortress, where the devil lurks on one of its towers.
Bouziès, France

Daniel Monnier’s Le Lot

The beautiful bas-relief lines a sliver of a 19th-century walking path between two charming French villages.
Padirac, France

Le Gouffre de Padirac (Padirac Cave)

This impressive chasm is one of the longest natural underground cavities in the world.