inthedirtco's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Indianapolis, Indiana

Market Street Catacombs

A hidden network of subterranean passageways lies tangled beneath Indianapolis' bustling City Market.
Hörby, Sweden

Arnold's Cannibal Museum

A former hen house turned curiosity cabinet displays one man's lifelong fascination with cannibalism.
Samsø Municipality, Denmark

Samsø Labyrinten

The world's largest maze is a nature park with nearly 200 decision points.
Højbjerg, Denmark

Grauballe Man

Preserved "bog person" that is over 2,000 years old.
Aarhus, Denmark

Your Rainbow Panorama

This colorful artistic feature atop a Danish art gallery allows visitors to stroll through a rainbow.
Helsingør, Denmark

Kronborg Castle (Elsinore)

Old Danish castle immortalized in Shakespeare's Hamlet.
Stoholm, Denmark

Mønsted Kalkgruber

Nearly 40 miles and 1,000 years of limestone mines under Denmark.
Tingsryd SV, Sweden

Kyrkö Car Cemetery

A peat bog in southern Sweden provides a cozy and photogenic home for junked Volvos, Saabs, and the occasional American muscle car.
Hobro, Denmark


A walkable map of the world, made from soil and stone by one man.
Thisted, Denmark

Thagaard's Plantation

A failed attempt to control drifting sands yielded a gnarled sylvan wonderland.
Jämtland, Sweden

The Dead Falls of Lake Ragunda

A botched 18th-century canal silenced one of Sweden's most magnificent waterfalls.
Stockholm, Sweden

The Cuckold of Skeppsbron

A man has revenged his true love's betrayal through tears and stone genitalia.
Stockholm, Sweden

R1 Nuclear Reactor

Sweden's first nuclear reactor, R1, can be visited 25 meters underground.
Nibe, Denmark

The Troll Church

In legend, this ancient dolmen was said to have been created when a troll tried to destroy a church.
Varberg, Sweden

Bexell's Talking Stones

Hundreds of mossy stones engraved with bits of philosophy, literature and random musings.
Aalborg, Denmark

The Singing Trees

Dozens of musicians have planted trees in this Danish park, and donated songs to go with them.
Norresundby, Denmark

Lindholm Høje

This Danish rock field is actually a sprawling ancient cemetery holding the bodies of 700 Vikings.
Aneby C, Sweden

Pyramid of Stjärneborg

This pyramid in southern Sweden houses the remains of an eccentric nobleman, who spent his life doing whatever he felt like doing.
Kungsbacka, Sweden

Li Grave Stones

Iron Age grave stones and Viking burials, a short drive from Gothenburg.
Skinnskatteberg, Sweden

STF Kolarbyn Eco Lodges

Bring your hiking shoes, wool socks, and thermal underwear for a stay in these cozy forest huts.
Holtålen, Norway

Hessdalen AMS

Research station devoted to mysterious floating lights seen in a Norwegian valley.
Averøy, Norway

Atlantic Road

A serpentine highway twists and turns over the treacherous Norwegian Sea.
Løkken, Denmark

Rubjerg Knude Lighthouse

An abandoned lighthouse awaits its destiny: being buried under shifting sand.
Kristiansand, Norway

Kristiansand Kanonmuseum

The last fully functional fortress of Germany's World War II Atlantikwall.