irenevdwerf's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Dublin, Ireland

Irish Jewish Museum

Catholics make up 84% of Ireland's population but this Dublin museum remembers the small but important Jewish community.
Dublin, Ireland

Statue of Oscar Wilde

The comedy and tragedy of Oscar Wilde is preserved in a Dublin park, captured in a sculpture of colorful stone.
Rangsdorf, Germany

Abandoned Airfield Rangsdorf

The ruined remains of the airport Claus von Stauffenberg departed in his failed attempt to kill Adolf Hitler.
Prague, Czechia

Speculum Alchemiae

The hidden lair of an alchemist rediscovered in a 2002 flood.
Berlin, Germany

Old City Wall of Berlin

The last remnants of a massive medieval wall that once encompassed the city of Berlin.
Berlin, Germany

Fernsehturm Müggelberge

This TV tower once secretly housed a GDR intelligence team.
Berlin, Germany

David Hasselhoff Museum

What started as a tongue-in-cheek shrine is now a full-blown museum celebrating "The Hoff" and his longtime love affair with Berlin.
Berlin, Germany

Berliner Medizinhistorisches Museum

Home to 10,000 medical specimens including the remains of Rudolf Virchow's extensive collection of pathological specimens.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam

Established in 1638 to battle the Black Death, Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam is a treasure trove of rare flora.