jacksonhotaling's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Columbia, Missouri
Places added to Vientiane, Laos
Places edited in Malawi
Places visited in Marshall, Missouri
Places added to Wilson, Kansas
Places edited in Vientiane, Laos
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Places edited in Cork, Ireland
Places edited in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania
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Medellín, Colombia

The Birds of Peace

Two identical statues by Fernando Botero, one blown to pieces in a terrorist bombing, the other donated as a gift for peace.
Itagüi, Colombia

Pablo Escobar's Grave

The (usually) serene burial place of the world's most notorious drug lord.
Bogotá, Colombia

Bogotá Botanical Garden

Colombia's biggest botanical garden contains plants from all across the country.
Bogotá, Colombia

Monserrate Sanctuary

Pilgrims each carried a brick to the top of Mount Monserrate to help build this historic sanctuary in Colombia.
Medellín, Colombia

Comuna 13

Outdoor escalators and art have helped change what was once a notoriously dangerous part of Medellín.
Bogotá, Colombia

Santuario Nuestra Señora del Carmen

Towering high above the neighborhood of La Candelaria, the church is easily recognizable by its distinctive red-and-white striped facade.
Bogotá, Colombia

La Puerta Falsa

This tiny shop has been serving traditional tamales for more than 200 years.
Bogotá, Colombia

The Chicherias of Bogota's La Candelaria Barrio

This narrow street is packed with street vendors and bars selling chicha.
Bogotá, Colombia

BD Bacatá

The world's first crowdfunded skyscraper has not gone quite to plan.
Bogotá, Colombia

Light Kiosk

Colombia's first concrete structure doubles as a replica of Versaille's Petit Trianon Belvedere and a symbol for development.
Paris, Arkansas

Magazine Mountain

A large stone map of Arkansas awaits visitors to its highest point.
Salisbury, Pennsylvania

Mount Davis

Pennsylvania's highest point is spotted with boulders which were pushed to the surface by nothing but cold.
Wichita, Kansas

Keeper of the Plains

The grandson of a Kiowa chief created what has become the iconic symbol of a city on the Plains.
Ellinwood, Kansas

Wolf Hotel

This historic Ellinwood hotel is also home to underground tunnels that were a popular haunt during Prohibition.
Bologna, Italy

Museo di Palazzo Poggi Anatomy & Obstetrics Collection

An extraordinary collection of 18th century anatomical waxworks.
Bologna, Italy

Roman Ruins of Salaborsa Library

The remains of an ancient Roman city are hidden underneath Bologna's beautiful public library.
Bologna, Italy

Monument to Fallen Partisans

A striking memorial recalls thousands of Bolognese men and women killed fighting fascists in World War II.
Bologna, Italy

Anatomical Theatre of the Archiginnasio

In the world's oldest university is a stunning 17th century anatomical theater carved from spruce.
Bologna, Italy

Bologna Centrale Station Clock

Time has been frozen at this station since the bombing in 1980—or so it was believed.
Rimini, Italy

Ponte di Tiberio (Bridge of Tiberius)

This 2,000-year-old Doric bridge is still open to pedestrian traffic to this day.
Vatican City

'The Vision of Constantine'

This equestrian statue of Constantine the Great has been the subject of criticism for centuries.
Vatican City

Domus Sanctae Marthae

These spartan apartments are provided to clergymen visiting Vatican City.
Vatican City

Vatican Necropolis

Hidden beneath the famous St. Peter's Basilica is a veritable city of the dead that may hold the remains of St. Peter himself.
Vatican City

Vatican City Walls

Historic fortifications form the boundary of Vatican City, but it’s not entirely surrounded by walls.