jacksonhotaling's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Columbia, Missouri
Places added to Vientiane, Laos
Places edited in Malawi
Places visited in Marshall, Missouri
Places added to Wilson, Kansas
Places edited in Vientiane, Laos
Places added to Pakistan
Places edited in Cork, Ireland
Places edited in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania
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Mexico City, Mexico

Plaza Santos Degollado

A grand entrance to one of the world's smallest Chinatowns.
Mexico City, Mexico

'El Baile de los 41' ('Dance of the 41') Memorial Plaque

A tribute to the 20th-century ball that cast a spotlight on Mexico’s LGBTQ community.
Mexico City, Mexico

Alexander Von Humboldt Monument

A bronze statue of the famed Prussian naturalist commemorates the year he spent in Mexico.
La Paz, Bolivia

Cementerio General

In La Paz's huge, city-sized cemetery, the deceased are stored in rows of apartment-like buildings.
La Paz, Bolivia

Museo de la Coca

Museum dedicated to the sacred leaf of the Andes.
La Paz, Bolivia

Mi Teleférico

The soaring gondola lines form the longest aerial cable car system in the world.
Oruro, Bolivia

Carnaval de Oruro

This devil-dancing ceremony now celebrates a miraculous image of the Virgin Mary that appeared to a modern-day Robin Hood in a mineshaft.
Sur Lípez, Bolivia

Laguna Colorada

This red lake 4,000 meters above sea level is home to rare flamingos.
Sur Lípez, Bolivia

Salvador Dalí Desert

A desert that evokes the surreal.

Laguna Verde

This lake’s emerald green waters are a spectacular sight, but it’s not a great place for a swim.

Great Train Graveyard

On the outskirts of a desert trading village high on the Andean plain, steel giants have been destroyed by salt winds.
La Paz, Bolivia

Bolivia's Witch Market

Popular tourist destination where witches in dark hats sell dried llama fetuses for good luck.
Daniel Campos, Bolivia

Uyuni Salt Flat

A seemingly endless landscape of pure salt stretches far across Bolivia.
Puerto Maldonado, Peru

Puerto Maldonado Obelisco

This space-age looking obelisk rises over a city in the rainforest, meant to resemble the local castaña tree.
Spokane, Washington

Mary Lou's Milk Bottle

A giant milk bottle from the 1930s beckons drivers to this diner.
Athens, Greece

The Athens Polytechnic Monument

A crushed gate and giant bronze head serve as a reminder of Greece's fight for freedom.
Cusco, Peru


A Christian monastery stands on what was once a holy Incan temple.
Athens, Greece

Antikythera Mechanism

A 2,000-year-old computer demonstrates remarkable engineering and astronomical precision.
Columbus, Ohio

Gavel Sculpture

Just outside the Ohio Supreme Court sits a testament to justice.
Bangkok, Thailand

Wat Arun

This dazzling Buddhist temple was constructed from over one million ceramic tiles salvaged from a British shipwreck.
Madrid, Spain

Air Crash

A whimsical brother of the nearby Fallen Angel statue takes the falling part quite literally.
El Jem, Tunisia

El Jem Amphitheatre

The largest and best-preserved Roman amphitheater in Africa was designed to seat 35,000 people.
Bayfield, Prince Edward Island

Confederation Bridge

This engineering marvel is the longest bridge in Canada and one of the longest spans in the world.
Pristina, Kosovo

Kosovo Bill Clinton Statue

A 11-foot former president stands on a Kosovo street that also bears his name.