Jbrett23171's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Shaharah, Yemen


One of the most remote and isolated villages on the Arabian Peninsula.
Zabid, Yemen

Brick Buildings of Zabid

Elaborate patterns adorn the city's disappearing traditional architecture.

Hababah Water Cistern

A mesmerizing reservoir nestled at the heart of a pre-Islamic Yemeni village.

Socotra Island

The most alien-looking place on Earth.
Sakakah, Saudi Arabia

Za'abal Castle

This fortress sits atop a centuries-old well system.
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Al Masmak Fortress

A 19th-century fortress and collection of artifacts offer a tour of Saudi history.
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Eve's Tomb

An archaeological site believed to be the burial place of the "mother of us all."
Saudi Arabia

The Edge of the World

These towering cliffs jut dramatically from the middle of a barren desert.
Saudi Arabia

Mount Horeb

Site where Moses may have received the Ten Commandments.
Bidah Valley, Saudi Arabia

Thee Ain Ancient Village

Village of slate houses, built on a white marble outcrop.
Al Ula, Saudi Arabia

Al 'Ula

Within the Saudi Arabian desert lies a 2,000-year-old ghost town made of stone and mud.
Hegra, Saudi Arabia

Hegra Archaeological Site

More than 100 monumental tombs carved into rock are preserved at this ancient Nabataean site in the Arabian Desert.
Hegra, Saudi Arabia

Qasr al-Farid

An unfinished tomb carved into a giant boulder in the Arabian Desert.
Mitsero, Cyprus

Abandoned Mitsero Mines

Rusted structures stand like ghosts of Cyprus' 6,000-year-old copper industry.
Omodos, Cyprus

Linos tou Charilaou (Omodos Wine Press)

This medieval wine press is one of the oldest in Cyprus.
Agios Tychon, Cyprus

Ancient Sex Curse of Cyprus

Sex curse discovered on ancient tablet in Cyprus.
Finike, Cyprus


A crumbling ghost town with prime views of the dam that doomed it.
Akrotiri, Cyprus

Holy Monastery of St. Nicholas of the Cats

For nearly 2,000 years this church has been waging war on local snakes by importing cats.
Paphos, Cyprus

The Mosaics of Paphos

The ancient mosaics here are considered among the finest in the world, and serve as a stunning record of Greco-Roman daily life.
Zermatt, Switzerland


Spiral alpine structure provides an alternative experience of viewing the Matterhorn.
Basel, Switzerland

'Eine gefahrliche Uberfahrt' ('A Dangerous Crossing')

Along the Rhine, about a mile from the historic Munster, learn the heartrending story of two lovers torn asunder, cast into unknown layers of time and space.
Naters, Switzerland

Naters Beinhaus

This ossuary is more than five centuries old and is heralded as one of the finest in Switzerland.
Seegräben, Switzerland

Sauriermuseum Aathal

Europe's largest dinosaur museum was founded by a passionate autodidact.
Feldbach, Switzerland

Synergy Village

A communal oasis on Lake Zurich.