JesMo's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Connemara, Ireland

Kylemore Abbey

A stunning Victorian abbey and walled garden on a lakefront.
Snugborough, Ireland

Darby's Bed

A Neolithic passage tomb said to have sheltered two legendary Irish lovers.
Kildare, Ireland

Irish National Stud and Gardens

See some of the world's greatest racing horses at this idyllic thoroughbred breeding facility and garden complex.
Louth, Ireland

Proleek Dolmen

A mysterious Neolithic tomb is perched along the edge of a modern golf course.
Ballyedmonduff, Ireland

Ballyedmonduff Wedge Tomb

This Bronze Age tomb is the centerpiece of a clearing within a beautiful Irish forest.
Kerry, Ireland

O'Shea's Pub

An abandoned faux-pub made famous by a Guinness commercial.
Waterford, Ireland

Tankardstown Engine House

Impressive mining ruins overlook a spectacular view of Ireland's Copper Coast.
Stamullen, Ireland

Fourknocks Passage Tomb

An ancient chamber filled with wonderful rock art and a Neolithic carving of a human face.
Tulsk, Ireland


This ancient Irish landscape boasts hundreds of legendary ruins.
Ross, Ireland

Bridges of Ross

This natural sea arch highlights Ireland's rugged coastal beauty.
Wicklow, Ireland

Seefin Passage Tomb

This 5,300-year-old tomb with mysterious carvings crowns an Irish mountain.
Kerry, Ireland

Gap of Dunloe

Traveling this mountain pass reveals quaint stone buildings, stunning Irish scenery, and a bridge said to grant wishes.

The Dry Stone Walls of the Aran Islands

Mortarless walls that stretch for miles are a lovely solution for creating grazing land in the harsh terrain of the Aran Islands.
Kilkenny, Ireland

Kells Priory

These imposing walls and towers look more like the ruins of a fortress than a monastery.
Kerry, Ireland

King Puck

A proud bronze billy stands as an eternal symbol of Ireland's oldest festival, where a goat is made king.
Cork, Ireland

'Kindred Spirits' Sculpture

A tribute to the incredible generosity the Choctaw Nation showed the Irish people during the Great Famine.
Wicklow, Ireland

Kilmacurragh House

Oliver Cromwell once seized the land under this house, which included the ruins of a medieval abbey that the owner used to build his stately home.
Carlow, Ireland

Brownshill Dolmen

The largest portal tomb in Europe has a capstone weighing around 150 tons.
Carlingford, Ireland

Sliabh Foy Loop Trail

The home of Ireland's last leprechauns is officially protected by the European Union.
Kilkenny, Ireland

Tullaherin Folk Museum and Round Tower

A collection of housewares from recent Irish history adjoined by a tower from ancient Irish history.
Kerry, Ireland

Cathair Crobh Dearg

An important pilgrimage site for pagans and early Christians, named for a Celtic goddess-turned-saint.
Athenry, Ireland

Athenry Dominican Priory

Ruins battered by centuries of war and disaster offer a wondrous glimpse of medieval Ireland.
Sligo, Ireland

Benbulben Barite Mine

The remains of this deep, dark mine have left behind a haunting rocky warren of tunnels.
County Donegal, Ireland

Grianán of Aileach

You can see three Irish counties from this Neolithic hillside fort, once the seat of the Kingdom of Ailech.