jgorman134's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Halifax, England

Wainhouse Tower

This tallest folly in the world began its life as an elaborate factory chimney.
Waterbury, Vermont

Ben & Jerry's Flavor Graveyard

The sweetest graveyard in the world is filled with headstones for dearly de-pinted ice cream flavors.
Gotha, Florida

Bob Ross's Grave

Loyal fans of one television's most famous painters still come to pay their respects.
Orlando, Florida

Progress City Model

A glimpse at Walt Disney's vision for a "community of tomorrow," in miniature.
Orlando, Florida

World's Largest Entertainment McDonald's

Opened in 1976, this monster-sized version of the fast-food franchise is sometimes called the Epic McD.
Orlando, Florida

Skeletons: Museum of Osteology

Hundreds of skulls and bones at the largest skeleton museum in the country.
Los Angeles, California

The Magic Castle

The private clubhouse for the members of the Academy of Magical Arts.
New York, New York

The High Line

Elevated freight railway turned wildly successful urban park.
New York, New York

The Wishbones of McSorley's Old Ale House

Touching mementoes from those who didn't make it back from World War I still hang in one of New York's oldest bars.
Las Vegas, Nevada

St. Valentine's Day Massacre Wall

The bullet-riddled wall from the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, bloodstains enhanced for your viewing pleasure.
Brooklyn, New York

Coney Art Walls

This outdoor gallery of graffiti-covered walls pays homage to the past, present, and possible future of street art.
Staten Island, New York

Booze History Museum

Crammed into several rooms of a Staten Island home, this museum is a vodka-soaked paean to the pleasures of drinking.
Boston, Massachusetts

Central Burying Ground

American revolutionaries and British soldiers alike are buried here in the fourth-ever cemetery in Boston.

Long Ya Men

A replica of the lost rock cliff that was once significant in Singapore's maritime history.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Pinball Hall of Fame

This incredible collection of vintage pinball machines can be played at 25 cents a pop.
Boston, Massachusetts

Union Oyster House

This nearly 200-year-old restaurant's history includes an exiled French prince, JFK, and a very hungry Daniel Webster.
New York, New York

Power Station

One of the last full-orchestra recording studios in New York City and an acoustical marvel.
New York, New York

The Location of Paul's Boutique

The iconic Manhattan corner that was once the site of the Beastie Boys' fake clothing store.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Frankie's Tiki Room

The best Tiki bar in Las Vegas.
Waterbury, Connecticut

Timexpo Museum

This strangely amalgamated museum explores the history of the Timex clock company as well as archaeology.
Worcester, Massachusetts

Bancroft Tower

This miniature feudal castle was built on a whim to honor a US Navy pioneer.
Boston, Massachusetts

Edgar Allan Poe Square

The Boston square dedicated to the dark poet who was born nearby.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Zak Bagans Haunted Museum

A collection of haunted objects and macabre oddities under one roof.
Las Vegas, Nevada


These banned cigarette vending machines now sell little pieces of pocket-sized art.