Jon Opol's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Brooklyn, New York
Places added to Philippines
Places edited in Philippines
Places visited in New York City
Places added to Nicaragua
Places visited in Manhattan, New York
Places visited in New York State
Places visited in Brazil
Manila, Philippines

Arko San Juan

The only remaining section of an aqueduct that used to supply water to Manila during the Spanish occupation.
Subic Bay Freeport Zone, Philippines

Subic Spanish Gate

This impressive gate is the only remaining remnant of a Spanish naval station.
Manila, Philippines

Manila Metropolitan Theater

This historic Art Deco building embellished with local tropical fruits had fallen into disrepair before a recent restoration.
Manila, Philippines

San Agustin Church

The first religious structure on the island of Luzon and a survivor of World War II.
Manila, Philippines

Arroceros Forest Park

Known as Manila's "last lung," this park used to house a market, garrison, and various government buildings.
Makati, Philippines

Golden Regalia

This gold sash was part of a massive collection of pre-Hispanic gold artifacts discovered in an isolated village in the Philippines.
Pasay, Philippines

Manila Film Center

A film center envisioned to rival Cannes ended up as a haunted place after at least 168 people were killed during the rushed construction.
Nasugbu, Philippines

Fortune Island

This Philippine island is dotted with (fake) Grecian ruins.
Quezon City, Philippines

Vargas Museum

Philippine art and culture are on display at this university museum.
Quezon City, Philippines

College of Engineering Sundial

A series of increasingly larger sundials have grown with this school.
Nagcarlan, Philippines

Nagcarlan Underground Cemetery

The crypt under this cemetery's chapel was used as a meeting place by Filipino revolutionaries.
Manila, Philippines

San Sebastian Church

A church made of steel.
Baguio, Philippines

Lion's Head

Just off the road outside Baguio, a gigantic lion's head carved into a mountain greets those driving by.
El Encanto, Nicaragua

Isletas de Granada

This group of small islands on Lake Nicaragua formed after an eruption of the Mombacho volcano.
Tagum, Philippines

Largest Rosary in the World

This massive Roman Catholic rosary is composed entirely of wood.
Isulan, Philippines

Sultan Kudarat Provincial Capitol

This grand building inspired by classic Islamic architecture is home to a seat of provincial government.
Manila, Philippines

Manila Clock Tower

This iconic clock tower is the largest in the Philippines.
Taguig, Philippines

Manila American Cemetery and Memorial

The largest United States military cemetery overseas.