josborne's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Bodo, Norway

Saltstraumen Maelstrom

World's strongest whirlpool.
Gildeskål, Norway

Uredd Rest Area (Ureddplassen)

Norway has built what may be the world's most beautiful public toilet.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Museum of Death

A collection of oddities including Dr. Kevorkian's suicide device, the Thanatron.
Edinburgh, Scotland

William Burke Museum

Possibly the world's smallest museum is home to one exhibit that sheds light on the capital city's dark criminal history.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Magdalen Chapel

The 16th-century church has the only stained glass windows that survived the Scottish Reformation intact.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Greyfriars Bobby

The most loyal of little dogs, or a Victorian era publicity stunt?
Edinburgh, Scotland

Greyfriars Cemetery Mortsafes

Protecting the dead from opportunistic body snatchers.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Site of the Porteous Riots

The location of a citizen uprising that led to a gruesome act of mob justice.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Death Cell Door of Calton Jail

Many of Edinburgh's more unsavory characters spent their final days behind this door while awaiting their executions.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Miss Jean Brodie Steps

These steps offer a breathtaking view of one of Europe's most besieged fortresses.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Gilbert the Phone Box

A former telephone box found new life as a photo booth and charity fundraiser.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

MIT Museum: Arthur Ganson

Bouncing, delightful, mechanical art at the MIT Museum.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

MIT Edgerton Center

MIT students continue the legacy of beloved professor "Doc" Edgerton through learning by doing.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Infinite Corridor

This nearly endless university hallway is home to a unique sunset known as "MIThenge."
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Site of the First Transcontinental Call

This plaque commemorates the call between Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas A. Watson.
Leiden, Netherlands

Museum Depot

Unknown to many, this is where items not displayed in a Dutch history of science museum are held.
Leiden, Netherlands

Leiden Gunpowder Disaster Memorial

A massive explosion that leveled hundreds of buildings in the city of Leiden is remembered by a waterside plaque.
Leiden, Netherlands

Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory Plaque

A plaque hidden in the law faculty at Leiden University honors the first scientist to make liquid helium.
Warsaw, Poland

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Museum

This biographical museum honors the groundbreaking scientist at her birthplace in Warsaw.
Cambridge, England

Whipple Museum of the History of Science

A treasure trove of astronomical, mathematical, and scientific instruments at Cambridge University.
Cambridge, England

The Eagle

The Cambridge pub where Francis Crick announced that he and James Watson had discovered the DNA double-helix.
Cambridge, England

Newton's Apple Tree, Trinity College

This tree was grafted from the actual tree that led Isaac Newton to ponder the theory of gravity.
Rome, Italy

Papal Hearts at Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio a Trevi

This former Roman Catholic Church still contains the embalmed hearts and organs of 22 popes.
Rouen, France

King Richard I's Embalmed Heart

His "Lionheart" is entombed separately from the rest of his body.