joshlrigg's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Mow Cop, England

Mow Cop Castle

This crumbling folly looks like an enchanted left over from Middle Earth.
Arkwright Town, England

Arkwright Town

When methane gas started seeping up from the ground, they picked up and moved the entire town.
Congleton, England

Little Moreton Hall

This logic-defying 16th-century Tudor manor still stands to the delight and astonishment of onlookers.
Chesterfield, England

Tapton House

The former home of a railway legend and the site of a gigantic labyrinth.
Birkenhead, England


After mysteriously refusing to surrender at the end of World War II this sunken submarine was only salvaged in a search for Nazi gold.
Leek, England

The Queen's Chair

This stone throne invites adventurers to observe breathtaking views of the Peak District.
Toxteth, England

The Ancient Chapel of Toxteth

17th century puritan church with connections to the Salem Witch Trials.
Staffordshire, England

Doxey Pool

This tiny little pool is said to be home to a malicious mermaid named Jenny Greenteeth.
York, England

Yorkshire Air Museum

This aircraft museum is home to one of just three Halifax bombers in the world.
Waterloo, England

'Another Place'

A hundred copies of Antony Gormley's naked body stare out across the water.
Walney, England

Piel Island

On this small spit of land, the person who runs the public house is considered the King of Piel Island.
Waterloo, England

Crosby Blitz Beach

Much of what constituted mid-century Liverpool now litters a beach outside of town.
Staffordshire, England

Lud's Church

This haunting stone chasm is a hotbed of mossy rock and English legend.
Macclesfield, England

Orrery at Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre

One of the largest mechanical models of the solar system in the world.
Sheffield, England

Bishops' House

This house was home to a succession of park keepers for more than 90 years, but in all that time, it never had a toilet.
Norton, England

Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet

A preserved 18th century steel factory.
Buxton, England

Chee Dale Stepping Stones

These unique stepping stones hug a river's edge to take hikers on a journey through a limestone gorge.
Eyam, England

Eyam Plague Village Museum

Eyam took steps to quarantine themselves and keep the plague from spreading.
York, England

York Minster Astronomical Clock

This memorial to World War II's fallen airmen shows us the movements of the stars that once guided them.
York, England

'The Prick of Consciousness'

A stained-glass window from the 15th century offers a vision of the end of the world.
Richmond, England

Tan Hill Inn

At 1,732 feet above sea level, this spectacularly isolated yet surprisingly bustling bar is the highest pub in Britain.
Sheffield, England

Sheffield Botanical Gardens Bear Pit

In the 19th century, this pit housed a fully grown black bear for the entertainment of visitors. Today there is a sculpture in tribute to the poor creature.
Sheffield, England

Lodge Moor POW Camp Ruins

A brick foundation and piles of listing building materials are all that remains of this World War II POW camp.
North Yorkshire, England

Crackpot Hall

The dramatic remains of an abandoned farmhouse sit high on the edge of a remote hillside.