juliannajoy0118's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Indianapolis, Indiana

Market Street Catacombs

A hidden network of subterranean passageways lies tangled beneath Indianapolis' bustling City Market.
Mexico City, Mexico

La Isla de las Muñecas (Island of the Dolls)

An island filled with hundreds of hanging, decomposing, decapitated dolls.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Musical Highway

If drivers cross the rumble strip on this stretch of Route 66 at just the right speed it plays "America the Beautiful."
New York, New York

Marilyn Monroe's Subway Grate

This unmarked and unloved Manhattan subway grate created one of the most iconic images in American cinema.
Rome, Italy

The Dome Illusion

A master of trompe-l'oeil creates a stunning, tourist-fooling dome out of a flat ceiling.
Venice, Italy

The Mad Colored Houses of Burano

This community on a small Venetian island has taken to painting their houses in bright neon hues.
Denver, Colorado

International Church of Cannabis

A technicolor place of worship for Elevationists.
Carlsbad, New Mexico

Carlsbad Caverns

The second-largest cave chamber in the world was discovered in 1898 by a 16-year-old and a friend known as "Pothead."
Chicago, Illinois

Garfield Park Conservatory

A lush green oasis in the middle of Chicago.
Lancaster, California

Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve

Each year these high desert hills are absolutely covered with poppy flowers in a surreal show of nature.
Boston, Massachusetts


This upscale streetwear store is hidden behind a fake Snapple machine in the back of a deli.
Laguna Beach, California

Victoria Beach's Pirate Tower

This strange seaside tower got its name from a wealthy eccentric who would hide coins among its stones.
Key Biscayne, Florida

Neptune Memorial Reef

An underwater city for the dead.
Hitachinaka, Japan

Kochia Hill

Every autumn, this hillside is ablaze with red summer cypress.
Williamsburg, Virginia

President Heads

Giant busts of 42 U.S. presidents are sitting in a field in Virginia.
Matamata, New Zealand


The real life Hobbiton, this sheep farm has been forever transformed since being built for The Hobbit film series.


Rising from the sea like a stone monster.

Lake Hillier

An Australian lake whose pink hue defies scientific explanation.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Cave of Kelpius

Where America's first doomsday cult awaited the end of the world.
Adams, Tennessee

The Bell Witch Cave

Home of an evil witch famous within southern folklore.
Chicago, Illinois

Willis Tower Glass Platform

Four glass boxes hover over 1,000 feet in the air to give visitors an unparalleled view of Chicago.
Los Angeles, California

Ennis House

This weird abode has inspired everything from the "House On Haunted Hil" to a robot hunter's pad.
Wiltshire, England


Famously misunderstood wonder of the ancient world
Calipatria, California

Salvation Mountain

A hand-built folk art installation covered with messages of God's love.