KanaKiseki's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places added to Bradford-on-Avon, England
Places edited in Bradford-on-Avon, England
Places visited in George Town, Malaysia
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Places edited in Salisbury, England
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Places edited in Colchester, England
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Beaucaire, France

Mas des Tourelles

A winery built on the site of a Gallo-Roman estate uses historical tools to recreate ancient vintages.
Saint-Julien-des-Points, France

Skite Sainte Foy

Cloistered comestibles are served with style at this French Orthodox monastery.
Condom, France

Château Cugnac cellars

See and taste one of the oldest and rarest collections of Armagnacs in the world.
Richmond, England

Tan Hill Inn

At 1,732 feet above sea level, this spectacularly isolated yet surprisingly bustling bar is the highest pub in Britain.
Durham, England

Café on the Green

Take afternoon tea in a 17th-century almshouse.
Cleethorpes, England

The Signal Box Inn

This tiny business claims to be "the smallest pub on the planet."
Dudley, England

The Crooked House

This pub can leave even the sober feeling slightly unsteady.
Binsey, England

The Perch Inn

This historic pub is a hidden gem for fans of Lewis Carroll.
Oxford, England

The Bear Inn

This centuries-old pub boasts a collection of more than 4,500 snippets of neckties from around the world.
Avebury, England

The Red Lion

The only pub in the world surrounded by an ancient stone circle.
Bath, England

Sally Lunn's

This restaurant's specialty is "a major enigma for food historians."
Lisbon, Portugal

As Bifanas do Afonso

Get in line for Lisbon’s most famous sandwich.
Bradford-on-Avon, England

The Iron Duke

This restored 19th-century calender, a machine used in rubber manufacturing, commemorates the town's local industry.
Cheltenham, England

Gordon Lamp

Unwanted and reluctant ownership, Gordon Lamp glimmers faintly and serves as a relic of the bygone Victorian era.
Basingstoke, England

Wote Street Willy

A sincere and thoughtful art installation, mistaken by many as a statue of a penis.
Ipswich, England

The Famous Giles Family

These iconic characters honor Carl Giles, who brought humor to newspaper readers for almost 50 years.
Ipswich, England

'The Major'

This public bathroom is guarded by a flyswatter-wielding army major.
Ipswich, England

The Ogre of Eagle Street

This monstrous face has watched over passersby for centuries.
Ipswich, England

Cardinal Wolsey Statue

A surprisingly approachable statue of the man who dominated King Henry VIII's government.

The Majestic Theatre

The elaborate façade of this old Cantonese opera house celebrates the building's history and the love story that founded it.
Stockbridge, England

Danebury Hillfort

One of the most studied Iron Age settlements in Europe.
Thorpeness, England

House in the Clouds

Unusual British home built to disguise a water tower.
Aldeburgh, England

Scallop at Aldeburgh Beach

This massive metal scallop is a tribute to an English composer who once walked across this beach.
Rodos, Greece

Tsambika Monastery

Scores of wax baby figurines add an unusual mood to this beautiful church on the Greek coast.