katieprescott79's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Nova Scotia
Places visited in Vancouver, British Columbia
Places visited in Cornwall, England
Places visited in British Columbia
Places visited in Drumheller, Alberta
Places visited in Prince Edward Island
Places visited in Hereford, England
Places visited in Wilmington, England
Places visited in Canada
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Halifax, Nova Scotia

The Sea Turtle Centre

One of Canada's tiniest museums tackles the world's largest turtle.
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Old Burying Ground

This historic cemetery stopped accepting bodies before many Canadian cities were founded.
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Maud Lewis' Painted House

This tiny abode has been covered in the art of the little old lady who made her life and living there.
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Face in the Window at St. Paul's Church

The profile of one ill-fated deacon was emblazoned forever on this church window during the Halifax explosion.
New York, New York

The Cross at Ground Zero

Pulled from the rubble of one of the worst modern tragedies, a steel crossbeam became a symbol of hope for New Yorkers.
New York, New York

New York's Oldest Phone Number

Need to book a room at the Hotel Pennsylvania? Just dial up 6-5000.
New York, New York

New York City Fire Museum

A museum collection honoring the long history of the FDNY is held in a disused Manhattan fire house.
New York, New York

Broken Kilometer

One kilometer of thick brass rod laid out before your eyes.
New York, New York

United Nations Delegates Lounge

What happens here stays here – unless it affects the whole world.
New York, New York

Union Square Metronome

The most confusing clock in New York.
New York, New York

Giant Needle and Button

There must be a pun in this haystack somewhere...
New York, New York

One Times Square

This historic address is home to the beloved ball and is an almost totally empty building among the most expensive real estate in the world.
New York, New York

Wall Street Bombing Scars

Unrepaired walls from a 1920 anarchist bomb attack.
New York, New York

President Ulysses S. Grant's Tomb

Visit the monolithic tomb of America's most famous general.
New York, New York

Irish Hunger Memorial

Blighted Irish field and the ruins of a 19th-century cottage on the edge of urban Manhattan.
New York, New York

Titanic Memorial

Manhattan's lighthouse, erected at the insistence of the unsinkable Molly Brown.
New York, New York

Macy's Wooden Escalators

A bit of retro transportation flair preserved in the world's largest department store.
New York, New York

Strawberry Fields Memorial

This mosaic dedicated to John Lennon was tended for years by a Beatles super-fan.
New York, New York

'The Sphere'

This sculpture by artist Fritz Keonig survived the 9/11 attacks and now stands as a monument to the victims.
New York, New York

Long Lines Building

An uber-secure, windowless tower of doom in the center of Manhattan is an NSA spyscraper.
New York, New York

The Real Winnie the Pooh & Pals

The original toys that inspired the beloved children's stories are on display at the New York Public Library.
New York, New York

Unicorn Tapestries at the Cloisters

Mysterious 500-year-old tapestries depict a unicorn hunt.
New York, New York

Times Square Hum

A pedestrian island in the middle of world-famous Times Square emits a strange (and purposeful) humming noise.
New York, New York

The New York Earth Room

A room in New York City that contains 250 cubic yards of dirt worth a million dollars.