KieraLee's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Ma-Me-O Beach, Alberta

Pelican Island

Hundreds of pelicans call this island no larger than a car their home during the summer months.
Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta

Elk Island National Park

Watch bison, elk, and other wild animals up close at this national park.

Athabasca Sand Dunes

The most northerly active sand dunes in the world have some very rare botanical residents.
Fairbanks, Alaska

Alaska Highway's Milepost 1523

This mile marker stands at the unofficial end of a highway built to defend the United States from a Japanese invasion during World War II.
Hay-on-Wye, Wales

The Kingdom of Books

In 1977, an eccentric book lover formed a micronation for book lovers.
Tokyo, Japan

Gallery of Horyuji Treasures

This lesser-visited gallery in a corner of the Tokyo National Museum complex is an architectural beauty dedicated to the ancient treasures of Hōryū-ji.
Tokyo, Japan

Kastori Bookstore

This one-of-a-kind indie publisher-bookshop specializes in archiving historic red-light districts and niche cultural topics of the Shōwa era.
Sighișoara, Romania

Sighișoara Saxon Cemetery

This hauntingly beautiful cemetery outside a medieval citadel is full of winding paths and ivy-covered graves.
Sighișoara, Romania

Towers of Sighișoara

Nine centuries-old fortresses guard the walls of this medieval Romanian city.
Vilnius, Lithuania

Literatų Gatvė (Literature Street)

Plaques celebrating Lithuanian writers freckle a wall of this picture-perfect path.
Chefchaouen, Morocco


Founded as a refugee camp, now a popular tourist spot.
Gwynedd, Wales

Llechwedd Caverns Trampoline Park

A subterranean playground in an abandoned slate mine.