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Places visited in Stavanger, Norway
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Skagen, Denmark


The northernmost point in Denmark is a turbulent sandbar created by two clashing seas.
Skagen, Denmark

The Sand-Covered Church

Tiring of digging out the door to this church for every service, it was eventually abandoned to the sands.
Haugesund, Norway

Marilyn Monroe Statue

The iconic blonde bombshell has a familial connection to this town in southern Norway.
Stavanger, Norway

Iddis: The Norwegian Printing and The Norwegian Canning Museum

A former factory now pays tribute to a local industry fueled by sardines.
Stavanger, Norway

Norwegian Petroleum Museum

An impressive museum dedicated to the resource that made the Scandinavian country rich.
Stavanger, Norway

Valberget Utsiktspunkt

In a city of wooden houses, this watchtower was vital for early fire detection.
Stavanger, Norway

'Broken Column'

An art project designed to encourage people to explore and investigate their surroundings more closely
Stavanger, Norway

Sverd I Fjell

Monuments don't get much more metal than these three giant viking swords planted in a Nordic hill.
Stavanger, Norway

Stavanger Cathedral

Norway's oldest cathedral still in use.
Stavanger, Norway

Iron Age Farm

A reconstructed farm shows what life was like in Norway 1,500 years ago.
Strand, Norway


This "preacher's pulpit" once used for pagan ritual, is home to a new, and dangerous ritual.
Flørli, Norway


These 4,444 wooden steps straight up a mountain were built to serve a hydroelectric power station but these days, they're mostly used by hikers.
Forsand, Norway


This giant boulder is pinched over a 1000-meter abyss by two mountains.
Kristiansand, Norway

Kristiansand Kanonmuseum

The last fully functional fortress of Germany's World War II Atlantikwall.
Lindesnes, Norway


The world's largest underwater restaurant is submerged off the southern tip of Norway.